
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Better Homes & Gardens Scented Wax Cubes

Better Homes & Gardens has one of my favorite scents, Soft Cashmere Amber. I have tried it in a candle and in wax cubes. To my nose it is a soft woodsy vanilla. The strength is pretty great and it is very long lasting. I had melted a whole clamshell several months ago then forgot about it. Fast forward to about two months ago when Adam and I were on a date. We ate dinner, then decided to walk across the street to an artsy fartsy consignment store. As soon as he opened the door a waft of gorgeous vanilla slapped me in the face. I immediately looked at the proprietor and asked "What is that wonderful smell?" She grabbed a clamshell and held it up. It was Soft Cashmere Amber. Needless to say as soon as my (pitifully wax stocked) Wal-Mart had it back in I grabbed one. If you like vanilla/amber/sandalwood type of scents you should try it! It is cheap AND great! <3


  1. Ooh that does sound good! Vanilla is one of my favorite scents!!

    1. Do you have a tart warmer Tricia? I have been meaning to ask you!

  2. I have the kind that plug directly into socket (no cord) & one is Scentsy. I use them sporatically. :-)

  3. This one is ALWAYS at my store. Looks like your FallBirthdayChristmas box will be filled with BH&G tarts. Hehe!


    1. I am SO EXCITED!! You must seriously have the best Wal-Mart ever. When we all meet up not only should we go to RG but to Wal-Mart too.

    2. "I'm going to Wisconsin to go to Walmart!" said no one, ever. lol

      And I think Sunnee's Walmart has had lots of things I haven't seen at mine.


    3. Lol! I said it! Then next we go to Cali for Wal-mart and fro-yo, then Florida for Wizarding World of Harry Potter. :-)
