
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Front Porch Candle Co. 2

The Front Porch Newsletter struck again. Angie is one wise lady when it comes to marketing. Her reliable newsletters with the scent list restock is more likely to pull me to her website than if I just stumble in on my own. If I am not ordering I delete them before reading, but if I am in the market they get read. Well, I was in the market a week ago.

Pink Peppermint: Front Porch Pink Peppermint is really lovely. I like my peppermint to shoot icy blasts of scent right into my nose. Front Porch does. The addition of pink makes a beautifully relaxing atmosphere.

Loopy Coconut Cupcakes: The citrusy burst of scent that normally accompanies a Fruit Loop blend is softened by the coconut and cupcake. It is still quite strong but it smells more like the mini orange muffins that our grocery store sells.

Coconut Serendipity Fruity Loops: If you can't tell by now, I really adore FP coconut and fruit loops. This one is mostly a serendipity scent, heavier on the coconut of course but also has an extra dose of citrus, making it an extra tropical serendipity. Quite nice.

Caramel Apple: Sweet candied Macintosh apples dipped in melted Kraft caramel cubes. I adore FP apple blends and holiday scents as well.

The 1970's: I was born one year short of the 1970's, so I cannot attest to this being the scent of that decade. The 1980's smelt like metal toy cars, powdery Cabbage Patch kid's faces, and Love's Baby Soft to me. Or the 1990's bouquet included astringent Aqua Net, syrupy Squeeze Pops, and Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers. >Sigh< Enough reminiscing, onto the wax. These grubbies. Oh man. Now, I have a VERY tolerant nose. I can handle a little funk. I like a little stink. Weird and unusual do not scare me. These guys do. A tiny bit. Yes this is basically a Patchouli scent (capitol P) but it is so very rich, thick and strong. Notes of black molasses, masculine musk and a smidgen of plastic. I am wary of melting it but I will. When my husband is not home. So I can spare his nostrils.

*Update* I melted one of The 1970s grubbies since Hubby is working out of the house today and it melts much better than it smells on cold. It loses the plastic note and some of the funkiness. Don't get me wrong, it is still very much a true "dirty hippy" scent but much more palatable. I kinda like it.

Have you taken any wax chances? What are your favorite Front Porch scents?


  1. I usually delete the FP newsletters without reading them too, figuring if I'm not buying I don't need to be looking. Lately though, I've been allowing myself to look just to see what fall scents might be popping up and . . . omg . . . there are so many I want!!! Kinda kicking myself now for placing that other massive order elsewhere.

    Put those caramel apple grubbies away till September 1, missy! *mom voice*


    1. Lol! Yes ma'am! I will put them in my fall basket so I won't be tempted!! I hope you will love every scent in your big fall order (which I am crazy to see!!). I want to go browse FP right now and see if there are many fall scents...

  2. I'm crazy in love with the background to these pictures! Good for you for having the patience to take all the grubbies out of the bags. OH! speaking of bags --did you order include the new ziploc type bags? I prefer those over the decorated ones and I'm glad she's transitioning.
    I''m so with you. I love a good FP coconut, fruit loop or serendipity. I also love her apples. Bananas --not so much.
    I'm so not with you on the Patchouli though ---no thank you!

    1. Thank you Sunnee <3 Yesterday I had a nice lazy day and was able to tinker around with some lights. I kinda want to get some more funky/fun string lights and play some more. The bags were all zip top except one. I do like them in zip top way better.
      Lol! I am barely with this particular patchouli myself. The one blended with Teakwood and lavender is so much more beautiful and better.

  3. I received a couple Far Out & Groovy (aka Dragons Blood) tarts as freebies from a destash. ♥ Between your mint reviews and being curious about the 1970's I may be ordering soon. And I just placed my first tiny wax order from the other FP, FuturePrimitive. Festival, woo hoo!!

    1. American FP order now placed. Between free shipping and there being only one Peppermint Hippy Chick tart left, I was sold.

    2. Nice! I really love Dragon's Blood and blends with it. You will love your Front Porch purchases I am sure!! And I am really digging my FuturePrimitive purchases too. I bet Peppermint Hippy Chick will be awesome. I love patchouli and peppermint together. Let me know what you think! I have not ordered from Front Porch in years and years (due to a semi-scandal) but I remember really loving certain blends they put out.
