
Friday, September 5, 2014

Frostbeard Studio: A Study in Excellent Customer Service

My missing clamshell came from my original order, and he brought a friend! I am really thankful that the owners of Frostbeard, Tom & Roxie, went the extra mile to make amends for the small mistake. Generosity and customer service like this go a long way in enduring me to a company. We all make mistakes, but how we respond to them shows our character, both as consumers and business owners (and friends, spouses and family members). I like Frostbeard's character. And cute lil old Norse man face.

Vendor scent descriptions followed by my thoughts:

Winterfell- Scotch pine and firewood. Oh my! All I can say is that this was worth the wait. A post Christmas bonfire using the browned brittle Douglas Fir tree as fuel for the fire. Smokey, deep and rich like it can only be on a winter day with evergreen resin crackling and popping, sending tiny bright orange embers to the sky as a New Year offering.

Butterbeer- Butterscotch overtones with hints of creme brulee and butter rum. Butter rum LifeSavers, hot and melty from being in your pocket too long, oozing a golden caramel goodness around the edges. I have had Butterbeer tarts before but this was the first one without a funny plastic note to it that the others had. Very decadent and sweet.

Thank you Frostbeard for making me a happy customer. I will be back.


  1. Just clicked on the link you provided to their etsy site. I bookmarked it. Their profile is adorable. I love a good customer service story. Thumbs up to Frostbeard!

    1. They are super cute. What a fun and creative couple! I am thinking about trying out a candle from them next. Maybe Sherlock?

  2. And they're from Minneapolis?! SOLD! I will have to check them out.

    That Butterbeer does sound divine. I tried one from another vendor that had too much of an alcohol note. Bleah.


    1. Vikings!!!!!!! Maybe they are fans? I will send along two cubes with your Glitterati goodies. Let me know what you think!

    2. Have you melted others from this vendor? Are they strong?


    3. I melted Sassenach (an herbal green one) and it was medium and Slytherin (frankincense and myrrh) and it was medium strong. I enjoyed them.

  3. Their label is adorable and the scents sound wonderful. Must try!

    1. Hi Kate! I love the labeling too! Are you a bookworm? I love that they are themed after great stories/movies.

  4. Butterbeer? How cool! Glad they made your order right! :-)

    1. Tricia!!! Can't go wrong with Harry Potter goodies can you? I still *need* that Lovegood/Granger shirt. Day dreamed about it all day. I am happy with the way it all worked out :-)

  5. It is so awesome that they made the error right for you! And the extra tart was just the cherry on top. Ever since you first mentioned them, I have had my eye on them. You have found some really cool new vendors! Hope you like everything! :)

    1. They did really come through beautifully. I hope you decide to try them one day. As a movie fan you might find a theme you like :-)
