
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Melting Basket 12

Wax tarts I would repurchase from the last basket include: TDC Honey Lemon, RG Simply Amazing Bakery medium to medium strong tart with gorgeous pink apple pie aroma, FP Caramel Apple strong caramel covered apples, Front Porch does apple well.

Frostbeard- Butterbeer
SMT- Pink Noel
SMT- Snickerdoodle Caramel Cookie Latte
Rainbow Melts- Butter Mint Cake
Rainbow Melts- Gooey Caramel Cider
Rogegirls- Celtic Moonspice
Make Scents- Honey Drizzled Gingerbread
Haley's Heavenly Scents- pink peppermints <3 gift
CFTKR- Apple Cinnamon Donuts
CFTKR- Wildberry Mousse Flapjacks <3 gift
JLCCW- Serendipity Toasted Marshmallow Vanilla Bean Noel <3 gift
JLCCW- Melon Ball Fizz Pina Colada Serendipity <3 gift
Book Scents- Drums of Autumn
Lake Providence Lodge- Country Cottage
Ava's Country Cupboard- Autumn Wreath
Sugar & Spice- Butterbrickle Caramel Apple
Butterfly Lanes Scents- Apple Pie
Butterfly Lane Scents- Caramel Apple Pie
Olde Primitive Treasures- Harvest
Streetman- Strawberry Wood

If there are any scents you would like to learn more about (throw/length/fragrance) please ask and I will feature it in a Warmed Wax post. My basket, she is full of the apples and spice and new to me melts!

So I did the thing. The lemming thing. You know... followed everyone over and off The Planner Cliff. Let me preface this by saying that I have always used a planner while I was employed (I took 5 years off to be a stay at home mom until last year). I need to be able to look at my month and know what is going on... fire drills I need to initiate, field trips to plan, school holidays... and then the personal stuff, birthdays, doctor appointments, coffee and movie dates with buddies. I just usually grabbed the $8 At-A-Glance planner from Target and called it a day. Dum dum duuuuummmmm... until now. Now I have the Cadillac of planners, the 1 carat planner, "THE" planner. I love it. But I must say. I am still deciding if I "need" this every year. A friend told me about PlumPaper planners on Etsy. They are a little cheaper. So we shall see. For the moment I am enjoying my Erin Condren planner. Immensely.


  1. Lovely melting basket my dear!! I used to despise "ultimate bakery" type scents (a.k.a. pink sugar/apple pie/zucchini blends) because I used to hate zucchini bread but now that I'm a ZB fanatic, I'm thinking I need to give those scents a try again. Strawberry Wood sounds amazing, definitely curious to see what you think of it!! I am really hoping I put it on my current Streetman order that I have out!!

    I'm loving my EC planner as well. I scan through the FB EC groups every once in a while and some people have their planners LOADED with tape, stickers, craft paper, etc. and I wonder how they can see anything that they have to do with all that extra stuff everywhere lol. I'm enjoying decorating mine a bit but mostly, it's been very functional for me since I have so much going on right now. I'd love to see a post on how you're using yours if you'd like to share =)

    1. I hadno idea ultimate bakery had zucchini in there!! I knew it was a richer scent but I couldn't peg the extra bakery component. Thanks! I am interested in seeing how strawberry wood melts too. Sounds like a neat blend.

      I have only used what stickers came with it. I would be more than happy to do a post showing how I use mine. Pretty basic but fun :-) glad you are liking yours Jacqui. I bet with all you have going on right now it is pretty useful. Functional and aestecially pleasing, what more could we want?!

    2. Okay so now that I think about it, I'm not sure that the RG version has zucchini bread in it, but I know for sure the FP version does =) So don't quote me on that lol. Can't wait to see your planner post!

  2. Enjoy that SMT Caramel Cookie Latte Snickerdoodle! I melted it today and it was amazing! I love FP Caramel Apple, too!

    I've held off on getting one of these planners because I have less appointments going on these days, but part of me wants to bite the bullet. I have a lot to remember!

    1. I melted it yesterday and it was amazing! It lasted a darn good while too. I am posting a more in depth look at my planner this week. I have a code if you decide to take the plunge.

  3. Another excellent melting basket, my friend! It's cool to see that most of your picks are fall-y! WOOHOO! It's right around the corner, can you feel it??! :)

    Hopefully those JLCCW tarts are okay! They are a little under a year old, but since you wanted to try her wax, I hope that they are alright!

    How was the Butterbeer tart!?

    1. Lauren! They were perfect! That serendipity JLCCW was so strong and long lasting!! Thank you for letting me try her. I appreciate it. It is funny you asked about the Butterbeer tart because I picked it to warm review in a couple days :-D bottom line, I liked it!
