
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Vintage Chic Scents: My First Blossom Bag

Beautiful Jackie O Loves Fall has evaded my grasp for a few openings now. However, my stalking skills paid off and she is finally mine.

Beautiful Jackie O Loves Fall combines a few of Kirby's popular scents: What a Beautiful Mornin' (buttermilk pancakes, syrup, and sugar cookie dough), Jackie O (marshmallow noel), and a smattering of sweet pumpkin for fall. It is a delectable creamy pumpkin scent that I am excited to now call mine. The pancakes and syrup ooze warmth and richness and combined with the pumpkin and marshmallow, it is down right incredible! I melted one of the smalled roses in my living room/kitchen area and it threw a medium strength scent that reminded me of IHOP in the fall. Fluffy stacks of thick pancakes made with a dash of pumpkin puree, coated in maple syrup. Just as advertised.

Free Samples in:

 The Warrens- Cider Lane, Cinnamon Donut and Marshmallow I believe. Another lovely autumn scent that I am excited to melt.

Annabelle Doll- Previously reviewed combo of pomegranate, cranberries and strawberries I think I recall. Bright fruity scent.

Any mid week shenanigans in your neck of the woods? I hope you have a great Wednesday!


  1. They're so cute & look like Fall colors! They also sound like they would make me hungry!! LOL!! Pancakes, syrup, marshmallow, etc -- yummy!! :-) Great post! Hope you're having a good week!

    1. Tricia they are so cute and yummy! Your tarts came in yesterday!!! Can't wait for you to smell them. I will throw in one of these too. Hope your day is going good!

  2. WHAT A SCENT COMBO!! Her shapes are so cute, very chic, haha! I am so glad you got your blossom bag! :)

    1. Very authentic breakfast scent! I have already gone through half the bag 0_0

  3. I LOVE Kirby's fragrances. I have BBs in Film Noir and Swirl. In fact, I need to bring those out to melt a little more now. haha :) I really need to try The Jackie O Loves Fall. It sounds DELISH!

    1. Hi Liz!! I enjoy Film Noir too. I have heard Swirl is fantastic. Perfect time of year for all these scents! I bet you are gearing up for the holidays at work! The stores all look so festive.
