
Monday, November 3, 2014

Q & A with Angie Phillips from Front Porch Candle Co.

 Front Porch Candle Company was the first pond of independent wax that I dipped my toe into once I decided to wade into the world of wax vendors. I find myself returning to Front Porch time and again for many reasons: extensive scent list, easy ordering process, strong scents, free shipping, and fast turn around time. Angie Phillips, the owner of Front Porch Candle Co. sweetly agreed to take the time to answer some questions for me.

1. How long have you worked with wax?
For about 13 years.

2. What are your favorite scents for your own home?
Love bakery scents and some personal favorites are Family Christmas, Smoochin' by Fire, and Cactus & Sea Salt. 

3. Your company has grown beautifully in the past few years. How did you manage to meet demand and get through the growing pains?
It has taken adjustments and learning over the years, we feel that we have developed a system now that works best for our customers and to be able to turn around our packages in a timely manner. We add stock to our website Monday through Saturday around 5 pm EST. We take customer requests on our Facebook group page and through email.

4. What do you love most about your job?
Everything, I feel so blessed to do a job I love. Time flies for me during the day.

5. What is your least favorite aspect of your job?
Don't really have a least favorite, I think I would agree with all of us who work here that bagging sampler packs is probably the least favorite job because it is more time consuming. 

6. What do you use to get clean in the shower?
I just use Ivory in the shower and on sale shampoo and conditioner from Kroger lol.

7. Do you have a favorite perfume?
I smell like candles all the time and get compliments on it! No need for perfume!

8. What do you do to splurge on yourself?
I like to get ice cream from time to time.

9. What is Front Porch's best selling scent(s)?
We have so many, we have over 1,000 scents. It depends on the time of year, i.e. Christmas, Fall, Summer. Some all time best sellers are Ultimate Bakery, Lemon Marshmallow, Amish Friendship Bread, and Bread type scents, Celtic Moonspice, etc. 

10.Do you have plans to expand any of your lines or products?
We try to add new scents monthly to our line. We test our new fragrances before they are added.

11. What are your Top 3 books or TV shows?
Bible, Duck Dynasty, 19 Kids and Counting

12. I really appreciate how you keep Christ visible in your business. This can be a challenge (to be a visible Christian) in our everyday lives. How have you seen Jesus moving in your life and business?
I feel so blessed to be able to do something I love and give God all the glory. He has changed my life and my family with his Grace, Love and Salvation. I love to share the gift with others so they too may receive Jesus' peace that is beyond understanding.

Front Porch Candle Co. has a new brick and mortar store in Minster, Ohio and a website open 24/7 here.  Some of my personal favorites from Front Porch include: Pink Peppermint, Vanilla Noel, Celtic Moonspice, Twilight Woods, Family Christmas, and her apple, coconut, and serendipity blends. I hope you enjoyed getting to know this fabulous vendor a little bit more.


  1. Julie this is such a great idea to interview the vendors!!! My wax vendor tastes tend to ebb and flow with the seasons. There are certain vendors that I always head to for holiday scents, and Front Porch is one of those. I am absolutely loving Angie's pine and peppermint scents right now. I can't wait to see more of these types of posts. Awesome job <3 Now off to catch up on lots of posts!

    1. Jacqui! I hope your trip to NOLA was fabulous!
      Thank you. I have really enjoyed interacting with the owners. They are all so sweet. Front Porch definitely has top shelf holiday wax. Those peppermints and pines sparkle.

  2. Front Porch Candle Co is a favorite of mine! Angie sounds so nice and it is great to learn about her on a personal level. Thank you Julie!

    1. Favorite of mine too! Thank you for reading and commenting. I enjoyed learning a bit more about Angie too <3
