
Friday, May 1, 2015

Q & A: Janine Jenzano from Glitterati Candle Co.

Glitterati is a hot commodity on the wax scene. Her wax throws wonderfully, with creative blends and fair prices. Janine provides excellent customer service and has a beautiful heart to match her smile. I was able to ask her a few questions about herself and her company recently. 

1. What inspired you to start Glitterati and where did the name originate?
My best friend is to blame for everything. LOL She got me interested in Scentsy a few years ago, and then she encouraged me to start making my own wax. I've owned several businesses in the past so it seemed like a natural progression to turn this hobby into a business too. 

The name Glitterati was inspired by my desire to add bling to my product--- which, when I first started, meant embossing each clamshell with a piece of 24k golf leaf. But the cost was too great to justify, and I eventually stopped using the gold. But the name stuck.

2. How long have you worked with wax and what type of wax do you use?
I have been working with wax for almost two years, starting with a pre-blended parasoy product and now using a custom parasoy blend. My wax is softer than I would personally like, but I don't dare adjust my formula for fear of messing with a good thing.

3. What is your vision for Glitterati? Do you have plans to open a website or expand?
My current vision for Glitterati is to keep things small and as simple as possible. I never intended to have a booming business--- just wanted to make an extra bit of money each month to fund my chicken breeding habit and give me some spending money. However, because I have a child with autism I have made the conscious choice to limit the scope of my business. Perhaps in a year or two I'll want to expand, but for now I need to keep things as they are so I can focus on my family.

4. In your own home, what are some of your favorite scents to melt?
My favorite scents are just about anything with lemon or citrus. I love cake, cookie, and peppermint blends, and a few berry blends too, except blueberry. I like strawberry too, but it has to be the right strawberry or it doesn't work for me. 

5. As a small business wax vendor, what are some challenges you face in running your business?
One of the biggest challenges is working on a custom-order basis and having a lengthy waiting list. I feel a great pressure and responsibility to get through custom orders as quickly as possible, which sometimes means I'll work days when I'm not feeling my best, or that I'll work six or seven days a week. I struggle with giving myself permission to take time for myself, but as a mom I find that doesn't come easily anyhow. 

6. What part of your job do you derive pleasure from?
I love being creative--- actually making the wax and blending scents makes me happiest. (The bagging and labeling, not so much). I also genuinely enjoy working with customers and having that as an added social outlet. In addition, it's very satisfying to make a product that you start at the beginning of the day and then have finished at the end of the day. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something tangible. 

7. Do you have any favorite personal fragrances you like to wear?
I wear perfume only on special occasions. But my scents of choice are Clinique Happy, Scentsy Luna, and if I'm feeling really confident or extravagant I'll wear Halston or Chanel No. 9.

8. Other than your own wax do you melt other vendor wax?
My wax stash is ridiculous. And I don't actually melt my own wax for pleasure--- kind of like being a chef and not wanting to eat in your own restaurant. It's way more fun to buy wax from another vendor and have something a little different. I'm a big fan of VCS, Flaming Star Scents, and Kimrie Ann's. I think their products are great, but the three vendors themselves are incredibly kind and supportive, so that's a bonus. 

9. How did you come to love and raise show chickens? Tell us a little about your favorite breeds and chickens.
When I first started  raising chickens it was just for fun and a few eggs. My autistic son seemed to connect with the few roosters we had, so my hope was to eventually get him involved in showing birds in order to make friends. I chose the Silkie breed thinking they would be perfectly docile and pretty. I also assumed their fluffy plumage would encourage my son to handle them, but within a few weeks he really had no interest. Unfortunately, I'd already invested in a dozen show birds at that point and, to be honest, I fell in love with the breed. I attended my first show by myself in 2009 and was relieved that I hadn't dragged my son along because a poultry show hall is the noisiest place you can imagine--- ceaseless crowing and squawking for hours.

10. Is there anything you "Fangirl" over?
Truthfully, no. Wax and Silkies are my two passions. I can't afford to be a fangirl of anything else. LOL

11. What are some of your favorite books, movies, or TV shows?
I love mysteries and detective stories, the kind that keep me guessing and wanting to read. Occasionally I'll get my hands on something more serious, but usually I read at night and don't have the mental focus to follow something unless it's action packed and easy to follow. I love "smart" action and comedy films, and for television I am hooked on home renovation shows. 

Helping Mommy place labels on the wax chunk bags <3

Thank you Janine for taking the time to let us know more about you and your fabulous company.

Glitterati can be purchased through her Facebook group page. She has mystery boxes and flash sale lots at the moment. I highly recommend you jump on one when you get the chance. 


  1. Oh wow, I love this interview so much! I wanted to scream at my laptop, "I'll help you make labels!"
    She's a sweetheart and I'm so happy to be her customer. I've had Glitterati's 'warm vanilla & pink sugars' melting tonight as I relax--it's such a good one <3

    1. Thank you Sunnee! Janine is such a sweet lady. I will have to put that one on my list for next time. Her wax really is quite lovely! Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. Awesome interview Julie! I enjoy getting to know the person behind the name :)

    1. Thank you Giffe'! I do too. It is nice to learn about who we are supporting. I also love that I have someone I see IRL that has ordered Glitterati that I can gush with! Lol!

  3. I smiled when she mentioned her wax being softer than she'd like because the softness is THE one thing I always remember about Glitterati. I have enjoyed the chunks my waxy friends have shared with me though. Someday maybe I'll get to place an order of my own. =)


    1. It is soft, but if that is troublesome then her scent shots or bite bags are nice options too :-) I prefer them more do to my laziness than the soft wax lol! So lazy :-/ you did enjoy her tea blends didn't you? Maybe we can both hop on a custom order next time.

    2. You'll have to give me a heads up when that time rolls around. (Please?)


    3. Yes! Absolutely! We have a good while to wait ;-)

  4. I thought she was holding a poodle at first.. but when I realized it's a gorgeous chicken?! major awesome points!!!
    what a fantastic interview!! i love getting to learn more about the vendors! :)

    1. A poodle and a chicken cross :-) silkies are so soft! Agreed. Awesome points <3

      Thank you Ashley! She was so nice and accommodating. Each vendor has the most diverse backgrounds and hobbies! I love it.

  5. Another great interview, I am really loving this series! Oh, that's a show chicken, that is so cute!

    1. Thank you Michelle! I appreciate you reading it! That fuzzy snowy chicken is the neatest animal! I want to pet her so bad lol!
