
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bodygoodies: 2015 Spring Order

I hopped onto a group soap order from Bodygoodies and picked out a tin of solid lotion in Lavender and a soap in Cavendish. 

Cavendish- an exfoliating soap with ground loofa throughout, made in a rich and creamy cocoa butter base, surrounded with sweet vanilla, masculine Cuban tobacco and notes of leather- blended in a base of aged patchouli and vetiver. White swirls throughout the bar have organic bourbon vanilla caviar added to enhance the scent... as described by Heidi at Bodygoodies. $12

Look at that vanilla bean husk. Those swirls. The vanilla bean seeds. 

The leather, tobacco, patchouli and vetiver really glow in this blend. Vanilla beans add the most subtle and seductive sweetness. It lathers with mounds of creamy bubbles with hardly any encouragement at all. I love it. The exfoliation feels perfect, neither too rough nor too wimpy. Really digging this soap.

Lotion puck in Lavender ($8) houses a stroll through a French provincial lavender farm, infinite rows of green and violet. Dried herbs, powerful medicine, soothing yet awakening. The puck feels sturdy with a desirable consistency. It melts nicely without creating a mess and absorbs into the skin leaving an attractive glow. I am a big fan of these lotion pucks since they travel so well, last a long time and take up very little space.

Jean generously sent me two Bodygoodies soap slivers in Joost (an incredible zesty yet creamy orange) and Patchouli Lime (a fresh, more green patchouli). I cannot wait to get these slivers in the shower. 

What soap have you been using to suds up with lately? Have you used a solid lotion before? 


  1. Digging my loofah bar too. Feels good this time of year or when I'm really grungy.

    Cavendish is a handsome bar. I have a fondness for brown soap, especially if it looks edible. Yours looks like iced coffee. :9

    ♥ Happy anniversary ♥

    1. I have already used it up!! It was very nice! Thank you for including it Jean! I agree. With my new sweaty workouts I need an extra scrubby factor lol!

      Cavendish IS handsome and you are spot in with a frothy iced latte. So delicious. Thank you for the anniversary wishes! Pretty low key tonight. No plans yet.
