
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Craftsposure Planner for 2016

This planner was an Instagram find. I follow Craftsposure and saw this planner/journal/diary announced for sale, my wandering fingers found their website and my eyes roved over all this planner had to offer. My head and heart were in congruence and shouted "YES! THIS is the one to get!"

I purchased the planner for $49, with free shipping (worldwide). When my invoice came it said the origins were Australia. When the book came, the return label said Singapore. I can't really pin anything down on their website but regardless, it came from a brilliant creative mind.

It arrived with a little brochure the offered tips and advice on how to use this planner, plus a handwritten thank you note. Always an appreciated touch. Care to join me in flipping through my new planner?

The size is a nice and tidy 6 x 8 1/2 inch hymnal type of book. Two ribbon place keepers attach to the top and it is covered in a duck cloth textured fabric with a gold foil embossing of "two thousand and sixteen." The pages posses a nice substantial weight and motivational passages are sprinkled throughout. 

The entire year is laid out in a unique format for ease of day and date locating. I would use this for highlighting important dates as well.

Ten "Vision" pages allow for one to lay out large goals for the year, steps to take, when started, outcomes and completion. 

This 100 Things 2016 Bucket List page makes me swoon with possibility. OH! The things I want to write in there. Unfortunately, 2016 is the year I promised by husband I would not travel, but I have big plans brewing for 2017 so I could use this page for planning and saving and plotting. Which honestly, for me, is a huge part of the fun- building anticipation. I do know "knitting" will go on there. 

The months start out with a quote and a mini calendar of the current month as well as tiny ones from the month previous and the month following.

There are five goal sections for each month and something I personally use all the time, a monthly budget. I get paid monthly and don't keep a check book balance, this is perfect 

After the monthly calendar, the weekly/daily pages follow in utter simplicity. There is plenty of room to write in activities, thoughts, events, really any way in which you desire to utilize it.

You see this?! It is a Christmas Shopping List. Yes. I do love this page. 

This page may be boring for most people. It is a monthly tracking of marketing and social media, as well as website traffic and subscriber tracking. This planner is built for internet entrepreneurs but would work with any profession, I find it great for bloggers of course. I don't really plan out my social media postings but I think this could be handy for being more proactive and thoughtful with my blog and my intent.

Once December closes out, there lies a 2016 Year in Review page. The prompts and questions probe deeply and evoke strong emotion. 

A few Notes pages, plus blank pages. I envision artwork and sketches growing there.

The finale contains a page for a personal message to myself. My brain ruminates over what inscription shall be planted there. 

I love the tiny size. The simplicity and the thoroughness of this planner. Mostly I love that it will hold much more than appointments for the year and will encapsulate those 365 days of my life for my daughters or grandchildren to read in the far future. 

Have I fallen out of love with my Erin Condren planner? No, not really but I do have a few gripes. It is unwieldy, the covers keep popping off the spiral binding, it felt forced to use the stickers and embellishments for me. I also don't feel like it really gave a glimpse into my life and emotions of the year. I have a feeling this one will with its open-ended daily space. I will still keep my Erin Condren, but I do not think I will buy it again unless some changes are made.

Are you a planner lover and user? Have you already been shopping around for your planner for next year? 


  1. So no ghetto storming wax hauling bloggy meetup will happen in 2016?

    This planner looks so nice. I swore off planners but now I've seen one in a haul video, a small cheapie at Walmart, that I feel a need to check out. LOL


    1. I am hoping that Adam will not count that as "travel" and more of a girls' weekend getaway. A couple days should not count after a week in Japan >_<

      I love the journaling that you have done and it inspired me to seek a planner that was set up more like that. What catches your fancy about the planner at Walmart? Is it cute?

  2. I'm not even sure. I think because it's smaller, yet still had tabs and style like the big expensive types. I'm shopping tomorrow so I'm going to see if I can find it, then I'll show you.


  3. Gorgeous. You know how to pick a planner!! :)) Every time I see yours I am inspired to get one. Britton from HoG posted a pic of her Uncalendar planner, a dateless planner in case you are lax on planning which sounds right up my alley.

    1. The Uncalendar! How genius! I have used a planner since high school and always loved them but now there are endless options! It is so neat. And everyone enjoys different things or needs different ways of planning. I hope you find one just right for you <3

  4. soo pretty!! I usually just grab a cheapy planner, because i never fall in love with any of them. I like the big monthly layout where I can write in the calendar blocks & see the whole month at a glance. I'm actually planning to make my own, so that I will have exactly what I want & not feel like I'm wasting a whole book! :-P
    can't wait to see what's on your 2016 bucket list!! is the no travel ban, literally no travel? or just no travel without hubby??

    1. I always used the At-A-Glance planners at Walmart and they worked great! I just figured I would see what all is out there. The no travel ban is more of "I miss you, you need to stop going everywhere." Even though he sees me everyday! <3 I am good for meeting up if you get to the states. No worries! Plus I need to head to Wisconsin.

  5. Look at the colors of those pages! Look at the Christmas Shopping List!!! LOOK AT THE GLITTER ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!! This is gorgeous, J! You'll have to do an "end of the first month" update to see if you love it!

    1. Lol! I was sprinkling the glitter on the floor and Adam walks in and goes "Really?!" I cleaned it up though. I will absolutely do an end of month review! Great idea!

  6. How cool! I haven't used a planner in years, but I probably should. Maybe it would free up some space in my head? LOL! I do have a calendar that I write our appointments, events, and important dates. You are very organized my friend! :)

    1. I have been a planner lover for ages. It keeps me semi-sane. Especially working in the school system. So many dates!!

  7. This is a lovely planner! I had been getting kikki.k ones for a few years in a row but this year I got a Moomin one while holidaying in Tokyo. I am particular about the format of my planners and I just love writing in the planners vs using an electronic planner!

    1. I am right with you. Writing in a planner does it for me. I set my alarm on my phone for some reminders but always use my planner and have since high school/college. Do you think you will stick with the Moomin one for a while?

  8. I think I will go back to the kikki.k ones next year as I prefer the format of her planners :) unless I find another one which I like better ;)

    1. I had never heard of the kikki.k planners before. Boy they are super cute! The price range is pretty decent too. I see they are 20% off right now. I hope that is a recurring sale and it happens again next year. :-)
