
Monday, December 14, 2015

Sonoma Scent Studio: Pacific Forest

Sonoma Scent Studio continues to be my gold standard for fragrance. I know without a doubt I could blind buy any full bottle from Laurie and love it (not that there are many of her creations left that I have not sampled). But this one is new to me, and not only me but many others as it has not even been released yet. 

Laurie had been tinkering with creating a more natural version of her already much lauded Forest Walk, thus Pacific Forest emerged in a 99% natural formula. As a birthday present, she mailed me a pre-release sample and I am ever so grateful to have it. 

Pacific Forest- "Sunlight filters through the trees as you walk your favorite path. Smell the earthy forest floor, tree bark, and tree needles, all married to a smooth amber base."
A fast favorite, I am going to review this scent on its own merits and not compare it to Forest Walk. Emerald green boughs drape densely overhead in this primitive Pacific Northwest forest, shutting out all synthetic intrusions of man. Virgin soil springs underfoot with moss and dampness, resins from surrounding trees are released like olfactive gifts from nature and bars of sunlight so thick you can grasp them, keep the decay at bay and offer warmth. Labdanum, pachouli and amber meld in the cauldron of a hollow log, an ebony syrup brewed by the earth in fragrant supplication. Exquisite. A larger quantity will be snapped up very soon.

Pacific Forest should release sometime next week. Look at that burnt whiskey juice color. Divine. I found the longevity and sillage to both be a nice moderate duration and level. Excellent for a natural. If you have not given Sonoma Scent Studio a try, please do, the quality and craftsmanship cannot be beat.

Laurie posted 10 Tips for Exploring the World of Perfumes on her blog and it contains some excellent advice and suggestions. Check it out!


  1. Since I passed on the recent Solstice Scents mega release, I am looking forward to placing a SSS order finally. (I was going to blind buy Incensum but I read it has a lot of myrrh, which I am not crazy about, bummer, will have to try it as a freebie sometime instead.) Excited to try this and Amber Incense!

    1. I passed too only since it is Christmas time and I need to spring for a few more gifts. I am definitely getting a larger bottle of this after the New Year. I love that Laurie makes it easy to sample. Amber Incense was great. I want to try the Spiced Citrus Vetiver too.
