
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Aftelier: Face Elixirs

I placed a rather expansive sample order with Aftelier so I could get a much better feel for Mandy's work, although I already know it is incredible, every fragrance house has its distinctive color. Plus I have been eyeing her book Fragrant and the companion scents that accompany it.

Mandy specializes in all natural fragrances and fragrant life enhancements. I have and adore her Ancient Resins Hair and Body Oil, so sampling her Face Elixirs was high on my wish list. Currently they come in three scents, Honeysuckle, Rose and Jasmine, though in that past I have seen others like Ylang Ylang. 

These elixirs are composed of seven organic oils which all have various beneficial properties such as: toning, rejuvinating, protecting, nourishing, soothing and hydrating the skin. The oils Mandy utilizes includes: grapeseed, almond, rice bran, apricot kernel, squalane, camellia, and rose hip oils. 

I applied these to my clean, dried face after my nocturnal bathing ritual and before I went to bed for the night. The last couple of hours I spent awake nestled in my comforter, smelling the fragrant oil on my face were always sublime and had me drifting off to sleep with a smile and a deep inhale. 
The oil itself is not greasy at all. It only took a few drops on my fingertips, pressed into my face to get the coverage I desired. My face felt nourished. I woke with hydrated skin that was ready for my morning makeup ritual. 

The Honeysuckle features that creamy heady white floral tone that is a common thread in jasmine, gardenia and tuberose. In the honeysuckle there is an added lemony brightness.

Jasmine held hazy golden southern tropical glints within its aura. This smells the most exotic of the three. 

The Rose was deep and rich with a hint of grapefruit sweet acidity. I fell in love with this one hard and fast. 

For a full bottle I will have to flip a coin between Rose and Jasmine. But  full bottle will be bought, 15 ml is $65. Do you use face oil? Which of the three scents attracts you the most?


  1. I use face oil occasionally but only tried it a couple years ago for the first time, I didn't get the concept before that...these sound lovely. I would pick Jasmine perhaps, that has been a favorite floral of mine.

    Someday I will try some of her perfume line as well as Esscentual Alchemy. <3


    1. I just started my face oil journey too. I am liking it as I get older. And the natural ingredients and luxurious scents makes it special. The Jasmine is beautiful.

      Funny you mention Esscentual Alchemy. I ordered from Amanda again and will feature it soon. Have a great Sunday Jean! <3

  2. Those sound amazing! I use oils every day. I would love them all, but the rose especially sounds beautiful.

    1. They are amazing Nancy. I love that they are all natural. The Rose is a real treasure. I think I am leaning towards buying it for the full bottle. Next I am using the body oil samples I bought. Hope your week goes beautifully!
