
Monday, September 19, 2016

Fall Fun Series: Crafting Time

Before I start totally cheating on this Fall Fun Series post... here is a yummy tart.

Candles From the Keeping Room Apple Dumpling, a medium throwing stewed apples and cinnamon sugar syrup elixir.

Deb gifted me a Torch and Key tart scented in Autumn Solstice and it was amazing. The description includes things like rain, leaves and brisk air but I got sandalwood, cedar and mahogany type notes. Nice throw. I will be looking into them for sure.

Another favorite was Dessa's Homespun Scents' Cinnamon Broomstick.  Need a tart to clear out lingering bacon fumes, burnt popcorn or litter box mishaps? This be the tart for ye. Strong concentrated cinnamon that burns with fires of pleasure. Spice lovers need only apply. 

You saw the cuteness of those hand crocheted pumpkin coasters up there right? All my mother-in-law's doing. And I even wheedled my way into taking a set home. Sheryl is a top-notch crocheter and she was whipping up these cuties for family back in Ohio. Her niece, my cousin-in-law?, is getting married next weekend and she is flying up. We were just up there or we would go too. But they are coming down to Orlando for part of their honeymoon so we will see them anyway.

These are the white themed ones. I love the softness of the colorway. This is the bundle of four. 

This is a single orange one. After I exclaimed how gorgeous they all were she asked which one I wanted and I picked this one. Even though I knew one wasn't earmarked for me, she is very nice. 

This is Kit, her Sheltie fur baby. 

I feel like a lump of a failure on this post, as I had grandiose ideas of crafting up something winsome but in the end, we ended up visiting relatives for the weekend. My poor planning skills dive bombed. I do have a craft post coming but it won't be for a few weekends yet. 

I did have fun watching Sheryl crochet and visiting a Trader Joe's for the first time (and thoroughly annoying my Fall Fun Series blog friends with constant photo bombing of fall Trader Joe's goodies) and I came back with a Kringle in Pumpkin which we all devoured with Viking fury. 

And I placed a couple orders this weekend. Candles From the Keeping Room bit a chunk of my wax budget and Lasting Scent Candles got the rest of the dregs. I must tell you though.... FuturePrimitive is back in the wax game and that news makes me rub my paws together.

Can you crochet? Knit? Can you teach me how to knit please? I will pay you in wax.


  1. Hey Julie,
    Those coasters are darling and I bet they're perfectly absorbent for catching condensation from cold glassware.
    Hope you had a nice time visiting this weekend, I chose to spend my Sunday w/fam too:) I consider the Fall series to be a fluid schedule, posting what I can, when I can, we all need that slack.

    1. Yes! Coasters should be absorbent right?! I always wondered at the stone or glass coasters. Seemed weird to me. I did have a nice time. It goes fast. They live about 2 1/2 hours south of us on the Gulf coast near Naples and Ft. Myers. Family time is really nice. I live near my mom and sisters and Dad and don't feel like I get to see them enough either. You are totally right Jay. It is fluid! And I enjoy that. I loved seeing everyone's crafts and fall creations today. It was nice to come home to from work.

    2. Oh my goodness you are so right about stone coasters; even worse, I have a set of hammered metal ones and a cold glass causes a suction effect. I'll forget, go to take a sip and bang, clatter!! There goes the coaster falling on the table...Every.single.time.
      The ladies' crafts blew me away today, better than I expected and all unique and fitting.

  2. KIT! Is there a cuter crocheting companion? not a question, really.
    I think this post is the perfect stand in for the craft series, I loved the action photos and Kit, of course.
    The coasters are beautiful and actually remind me of a quad of orange and white coasters that I received from you last year. I am using them now as a matter of fact. Love them and forever thank you.

    1. She is a beauty isn't she with that long nose and brown and blue eye. I made those coasters but I cannot find mine LOL! So I was thrilled when Sheryl gave me a set of the ones she made. I need to make a set for everyday use though. My girls wouldn't know what to do with them though. It would be a hard habit to enforce. I LOVED your post!!! You got my creative juices flowing.

  3. These coasters are so cute. I wish I could crochet. I've never actually tried, but it seems like the thing I wouldn't be good at or wouldn't have the patience to do. I really need a cinnamon broomstick wax melt. That's the quintessential fall scent!

    1. It does take patience to learn. I used to do it in college for a bit but never really got the proper hang of it. I can sew pretty well but not crochet. My real dream is to knit myself a cashmere scarf one day. And it WILL happen. One day. Yes!!! I love cinnamon brooms. I always scoop one up at Publix every year. I have not seen them yet though. Dessa's Cinnamon Broom is prime.

  4. I adore everything about your MIL, from her perfect pumpkin cozies to her sweet doggie, to her beautiful Tiffany Blue nail polish! Please tell her so.😊 I don't knit but I do crochet and I am happy to be paid in wax to teach you; your first lesson is up on my blog, haha!

    Also, how awesome you got to go to Traders Joe's for the first time! The nearest one to me is an hour away, but I plan to shop pumpkin season with reckless abandon!

    1. She is pretty stylish! I love that she wears bright colored nail polish too. It looks great on her. She has come cute China Glaze colors.

      Yes! And I found out that there is one in Tampa which is only about 30 minutes away from me. I will be hitting it up here before too long. Great prices on really cool items. I hope you find some treasures!!

  5. I have got to learn to crochet! ha ha, these are great!! I only know how to knit and loom. Of course with looming I only know the simple stitches, nothing fancy but it is a great fall pass time while watching.. oh I don't know.. Harry Potter Marathons?! Ahh, I missed CFTK restock again! Darn. One day! So glad to hear that you had a great weekend though so that is nothing to feel guilty about :)

    1. She really does a fabulous job!! She made a bunch of crocheted Christmas ornaments for us over the years and I hope the girls will come to appreciate them one day. Harry Potter and hand crafts?! Yes, ma'am. Sounds like my kinda heaven. Add a candle and I am done. CFTKR opens again on October 8th if you are thinking of dropping in to try and order. I can message the group if I see it is open.

      Thank you <3 I did have a nice weekend. September and October are pretty packed so I am looking forward to a bra-less, pj and barefoot weekend here before too long.

    2. Now I'm responding to other's comments but with bra-less, pj's and barefoot, I had to. LOL!

  6. Aaaaah! Too cute! I love those coasters! And such a cute crafting companion! I think we can excuse you cheating for this post ;) I'm glad you got to spend time with family!

    I can't wait to see what you picked up from CFTKR. I decided against buying anything this time since I'm pretty well stocked on her tarts.

    1. Thank you!

      You do have a nice CFTKR stash! Mine is topped off now too.

  7. This are adorable! I love to crochet but haven't been lately.
