
Friday, September 16, 2016

Fall Fun Series: The Dulcet Tones of Fall Music

Candles From the Keeping Room- Fall Wreath- a cozy mild apple and spice scent with extra honeyed sweetness. Medium-strong throw. Repurchase.

Lasting Scent Candles: Cinnamon Sugar Donuts- A quintessential comforting bakery scent doused with ground cinnamon. Medium-strong scent. Repurchase.

A favorite fall music? Who has that?! Well... I do. 

Traditionally I enjoy listening to any of the Harry Potter soundtracks, as John Williams is a genius composer, but this song Hagrid the Professor is my particular favorite along with the Double Trouble rendition during the autumnal months.

Howard Shore's Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit soundtracks are fantastic during the fall as well.

Jacqui, from the Scholarly Nail's Wax Blog, introduced me to the magical Irish and Appalachian folk tunes of Tony Elman and his Shakin' Down the Acorns album. I have both a Pandora station for him and I play all his albums in their entirity on Spotify. 

Which kind of segues into my strange addiction to this medieval album Susato: Dansereye from the New London Consort that I listen to an embarrassing amount.

So those are my falling leaves, pumpkin spice and spicy candle burning tunes. 

Do you enjoy certain music this time of year? Do share!


  1. I can definitely see certain soundtracks being great fall music. I like The Phantom of the Opera and Wicked soundtracks.

    1. Yes!! I adore Phantom of the Opera. It was my first ever real life musical and it was on Broadway in NYC. Such an amazing showcase.

  2. The Fall Wreath melt sounds great. I love listening to LOTR soundtracks this time of year. I actually like listening to them when I work out too because I feel like I'm going into epic battle just by jogging haha.

    1. It was very pleasant. Not overly in your face with the spice. Just a mellow delight. I love LOTR too. LOL! I love the idea of working out to them. Totally makes sense. You are wandering and going on a traveling adventure while jogging... all who wander and all that jazz. I want to make a LOTR quilt soon.

  3. I'm at the library ordering the Harry Potter soundtrack right now, how have I not gotten that one yet? I love the mood it brings to the films. I'm also going to check out the Shakin Down the Acorns album, I'm really into folk music, especially American, but I dig Irish too. Thanks for the suggestions:) I love reading everyone's different takes on fall music. (Mine won't be up till Sunday)

    1. Sa-weeet!!! Enjoy it!!! It really is a great sound track. So many wonderful songs. I love folk music too. Very beautiful and soulful. And it makes me want to dance. I cannot wait to read every else's responses. I have been running nonstop and helping the girls with math and reading. I am one pooped lady.

  4. Just saw Amanda's comment and I live for Phantom; the only problem is when I listen to it, I cannot get it out of my head for weeks!

    1. LOL!! I get that!!! When I get on a Phantom kick it becomes a right nasty earworm. I start randomly shouting MASCARADE!!!!! out of the blue.

  5. Love your music choices! LOTR has one of the best soundtracks ever, and I talked about it in my post as well! Fall Wreath, OH YES. CFTKR fall blends for the win!!

    1. Nice! I cannot wait to read yours! I can seriously order just about any fall blend blind from Carol and be happy with it. Seriously hoping I can get an order in tomorrow.

  6. I didn't even think of Harry Potter for music! What a wonderful choice! I love the mood settings of both Harry Potter and LOTR.

    1. Me too! Nerds unite! Both great scores from very talented musicians.

  7. I'm a Harry Potter soundtrack gal as well! I'm probably going to start playing the movies in the background whenever I'm home just to set the mood. And by probably I mean most definitely. <_<
    LOTR as well. I absolutely love that series and the music. Can I quote every line from the movie? Maaaybe. Am I an Extended Version snob? Definitely. LOL

    1. That will be a mood setter for sure! Adam and I have the Potter marathons playing anytime they pop up.

      There is a line in one of the Hobbits where Legolas is speaking elvish and when I feel extra nerdy I enjoy walking around and saying it... oh ahbo queem yeah... I can speak elvish.

      Extended versions you say?? We have the LotR movies but I am not sure if they are extended versions. I will have to check.

  8. Fall Wreath melt sounds awesome and looks so cute with the lattice design!

    1. It is a winner for sure!! Carol should be opening up this morning!!! Keep your eyes peeled.

  9. Fall music <3 I love that Tony Elman still makes the cut for you. I have his Pandora station going quite frequently these days as well - lots of great folk artists on there. I also have been listening to George Winston's Autumn lately, a folksy solo piano album. It came out in the early 80's so it has a hint of that new age vibe to it but my parents played it all the time growing up so it gives me the warm fuzzies. His winter album, December, is absolutely incredible and I'd recommend that one in a heartbeat once the holidays roll around.

    As far as more popular music, I love a lot of Fiona Apple, Bon Iver and Mumford and Sons around this time of year, a good mix of folksy/rock/soulful ballads. Fiona Apple's Tidal album is especially fall-ish for me, there's a song on there called Pale Setember that's been played a lot lately.

    Then Halloween music starts in October! We had a Halloween wedding and I still have the playlist of all the Halloween-ish songs we played during cocktail hour and dinner. Tons of great stuff on there, from Tubular Bells to Thriller to Nightmare Before Christmas to Monster Mash and everywhere in between. I also switch to more punk music around Halloween, like the Misfits (they do the best version of Monster Mash!). It's not Halloween season without a Misfits scored pumpkin carving session.

    I burned a candle the other day! BBW Heirloom Pumpkin. Nice, semi dry and spicy pumpkin scent. I liked it. I'm at the point where smells make my stomach churn again so not much else has been going on. I was doing a Yankee Candle Harvest scenterpiece for about a week at the end of August and that was amazing! Harvest is the essence of fall to me.

    1. Yes he does. I will also make sure to check out George Winston. And the Tidal album. And with a name like Fiona Apple she should be sure to rule fall. LOL! I know, corny mom jokes. You just wait. You will acquire them too. And have your handsome little boy in stitches.

      Tubular Bells!! Lauren mentioned those on her post and I totally went all Mike Oldfield in my mind. Grew up on him much like you did with George and Tony.

      Heirloom Pumpkin sounds yummy. I sprung for Pumpkin Woods even though there is not pumpkin in it. Sorry the smell sensitivity came back. I know that makes it hard to not be queazy sometimes. Thinking of you!
