
Friday, October 7, 2016

Fall Fun Series: Fall Activity... Hurricane Matthew

Yesterday and today the schools are closed due to Hurricane Matthew. Old Matt wasn't due to roll in until last night so I spent  yesterday making Halloween funfetti cupcakes. The girls ran around the neighborhood delivering them to their friends and we noshed on quite a few afterward. 

Though a hurricane is not exactly what I had in mind for this Fall Fun Series post about a fall activity... it kind of panned out that way. So here is a Buffett song to pay tribute. I love Jimmy and this song is pretty fitting.

We slept through most of the wind and rain, though it did wake us up a few times in the night. So far everything looks fine here. I was most concerned with our wooden playset, but it is still standing this morning. Winds are still pretty high, swirling through all the trees and my wind chimes at the moment. 

Wax that I melted and loved this week:
Dessa's Homespun Scents Pumpkin Pie
Blending BHG Fragrant Woodland Walk  with Scentsationals Crimson.
Burning Tiziana Terenzi candle in Laudano Nero, wood wick crackling that sets my heart aflame.

How is your fall rolling along? Anything exciting planned?


  1. I'm so glad it didn't make landfall! I just saw this map of the eye off the coast at Titusville - I know the coast is getting hammered - I'm so glad it's better inland! <3

    1. Me too! My heart goes out to Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Haiti and the Carolina coast. I hope further damage is kept to a minimum. My friend in Jacksonville sent me a photo of a shark swimming in someone's front yard. Eerie.

  2. Leave it to you to bake and deliver pre-hurricane cupcakes - you crazy lady! Been thinking about you, Lindsey and Steph down there. Such good news to see your post and know things are OK right now. Plus I laughed my butt off to see the inclusion of Jimmy Buffet, well done.

    1. Gotta take your mind of the uncertain, impending hurricane in whatever way you can. LOL! Jimmy's voice drifted up from many, many moments throughout my life. From about 5 until now. I got to see him in concert once with my husband years and years ago and it was pretty awesome. Parrothead for life.

  3. Happy to hear your family is safe. I didn't want to write on your timeline(don't ask me why lol) so this little update is very much welcoming. Stay safe.

    1. Thank you Yasmine! Feel free to post on my timeline anytime you want dear friend! I always enjoy your kind and uplifting words <3

  4. SO SO glad to hear that you all are safe and everything is well! Your cupcakes are super cute!!!Love them, Bet they are just as tasty as they are cute!

    1. Thank you! I felt lazy so I used the funfetti cake mix, added a packet of vanilla pudding mix and 2 tablespoons of melted butter to spruce it up a bit. Oh and green food coloring for some Halloweenie vibes. So they tasted pretty decent. :-)

  5. So glad things are safe for you guys right now! Sounds like you had a nice, cozy evening. Love those cupcakes!

    1. We did! Savanna even had two girlfriends sleep over last night. We took them to eat at Moe's, then Target to buy them all a pack of Pokemon and now cinnamon rolls (from a can of course) and Pokemon cartoons to wake up to. It turned out to be a nice four day weekend.

  6. Happy to hear you are all ok! And full of sumptuous and darling sweets!

    1. Thank you Doreen! Gotta spend that time off indoors doing something so anxiety doesn't settle in. Keep the hands and mind busy.
