
Monday, November 27, 2017

Melting Basket 111: Here Comes Santa Claus

Wax tarts from the last basket that I loved and would melt again include: Beezy Pumpkin Caramel Swirl and Pumpkin Sugar Donuts, Dessa's Pumpkin Wreath Woods, CFTKR Butternut Pumpkin and Orange Clove and SMT Marshmallow Fireside/Graham Cracker/Fireside/Toasted Marshmallow.

The Bathing Garden- Sleigh Ride
The Bathing Garden- Winter Woodland
The Bathing Garden- Mr. Cratchit's Cider
Beezy- Marshmallow Fireside
Beezy- Frosted Pinecones
Beezy- Sugared Spruce
Lasting Scent Candles- Cedar Wreath
Lasting Scent Candles- Pine Cone Garland
Lasting Scent Candles- Sugar Berry Clove
Lasting Scent Candles- Pink Sugar Spruce
CFTKR- Sugared Strawberry Spruce
CFTKR- Balsam and Citrus
CFTKR- Pink Tinsel
CFTKR- Christmas Lane
CFTKR- Holiday Festival
Tiffany Candles- Winter Dreams <3 gift
Bohemienne Life- Pumpkin Forest
Candy Panda- Winter Blanket

Can you tell I am craving evergreens like no one's business? If you would like any of these reviewed in depth, shoot me a comment with the request and it would be my pleasure.

The weather has been brilliant the past week. Breezy, crisp, a soft chill in the air, but the sun still warms with a gentle kiss. Bonfires and night-time neighborhood strolls are in full effect. 

This is the perfect time for hiking and exploring. Getting outdoors and breathing deep. We went camping at the Alafia River State Park a couple weekends ago and it was gorgeous.

We wandered trails, fellowshipped with my brother-in-law and sister and communed with nature. We listened to microbats chirping in the early morning in their bat house box. We picked flowers and explored swamps, examining tiny mosaics of duckweed and water plants that dappled the surface of the standing water. Moss and mushroom hide-and-seek. Songs of Mexican Whistling ducks. Observing for endless minutes my first ever ruby red dragonfly while the morning dew suspended its flight and held it Earth bound.

It was rejuvenating and much needed. From the Big City to the wild. Just what I needed to reset my equilibrium. 

What have your weekends or days off been full of? Seen or heard anything lately that soothed your soul?


  1. I had a wonderful time and I am so glad you guys joined us (even though we were both pretty pooped from NYC) it was exactly what I needed as well and it felt great to unwind in the outdoors. We should do it again before the cold weather leaves us!

    1. Thank you for inviting us!! I agree! Let's do it again in January or February! We should set a date soon. <3 I love you so much, sister.

  2. Binge watching Big Bang Theory to get caught up, and playing the bubble shooter game on my phone have been my soul soothers lately. Although I tend to feel guilty about it after, I've spent many many hours on my off days lately just ignoring life.

    Winter Dreams from Tiffany Candles! That used to be my favorite scent at one point!!! I should try to order from her again. Last time I tried the website and ordering process drove me to madness. lol

    My Christmas stash, I've found, is mostly leftovers of things gifted to me. There are many Lasting Scents in there, which I started working through yesterday. Also found a bit of Vintage Chic in there, and have that going right now. :)


    1. Don't feel guilty. Enjoy that junk to the FULLEST!!!

      Winter Dreams was really good! I need to pop over and see if she has any in stock. I think like you, it was just too hard to pick out anything I wanted from the random offerings. I kinda wish she would just have everything and then I could buy it.

      Hopefully you have some decent things gifted to you so you have nice things to melt. :-)

  3. I have filled my weekends lately with Amazon Christmas shopping.. (I see why I have stayed away from it for so long) and finding recipes from All while netflixing.
    I didn't know what this Riverdale show was about that I had heard many speak about so I went ahead and watched it. Have you seen it. Thoughts?
    If you have reviewed it I'd love if you could point me in the direction to the review but I would like your thoughts on Pink Twinkling Lights.

    1. Yes! I shopped more from Amazon this year than I ever have in the past. Any good recipes you come across? I am Netflixing a fireplace right now and it is pure crackling bliss.

      I have never seen Riverdale but I used to be a HUGE Archie Comics fan growing up and had hundreds and hundreds of them. I believe it is about Archie and Betty and all them right?? I need to watch it.

      I have not reviewed Pink Twinkling LIghts yet. I was gifted some and intended to melt it on my birthday but I got scared last minute that I might love it and then be so sad it was gone. Kirby is opening up on the 14th and will be offering it again so if I score some I will melt it then. I know. Bad hoarder probs... but I love my pink peppermint so much! LOL!
