
Wednesday, August 29, 2018


So. Hey. How are you doing? 

I am really in a strange spot right now. For the first time in several years I am not anticipating getting up in the attic to get the fall decorations. September 1st, my normal decorating date, steadily approaches. I will do it. Certainly. But I am excited and that bums me out. Well, probably because I am a little bummed. 

I only have a week left of a course I am taking so that is nice. I went outside a few days ago and looked west to a beautiful sunset then turned east to see a double rainbow as the sun set and the twilight night rose up behind it. It was gorgeous. 

Hey. I forgot to tell you guys but Blogger had this awful glitch where I was no longer getting emails when someone commented so I had to log-in and check my comments tab and it was a pain. That has been fixed but now I see I am no longer a "secure" website so I will be tinkering with trying to get the https thing up and running. Comments and views have been super low anyway so I know it is not a big deal but I do want the few that read to be safe while doing so. 

How are you feeling? Did you get a chance to the full moon? Does my lack of secure webthingy bother you?


  1. I had not even noticed it wasn't secure but no, it doesn't bother me. Looking at it right now though, the https IS there.

    I'm still here but as you know, the perfume posts are not my thing so I tend to skip those. I'm finding it harder to comment on wax posts too because our tastes are so sooo different. But for what it's worth, I'm still here.


    1. Yeah, I just switched the Blogger setting this morning hoping it would gain some security but it still reads as not secure. It is not like I am selling anything but viruses scare me and I don't want someone to get any through me.

      Thanks for letting me know you are still here. It has been quiet on the blog front. I want to do more personal posts but then does anyone really want to hear about my blues? I doubt it. Sending you hugs. <3

    2. And apparently now I am unknown. HA! It is me I swear.

    3. Heh, kinda like me and my struggle with blogging these days. I used to do the boring personal life and whining posts all the time but now I feel like 'Nobody cares, and why should I should put my life out there?' Which is dumb because if I could find some other boring everyday life blogs to read I'd be all over them.

      I even considered trying to actually blog on Facebook recently.


  2. Hi Julie,
    I've been reading, but haven't been commenting often. I still love the content, but I tend to read when I first get to work, and don't always have the time to post a comment. But I'm still here! I've really enjoyed your birding posts!

    1. Hey Sarah! Thank you for the input. It was getting reeeeaaaallllllly slow and quiet. I get that blogs are falling out of fashion but I still like to write about smelly stuff so here I am. I am looking forward to more bird watching once the heat abates a little and allows some northern birds to fly down here.

  3. Sorry to hear you're feeling down. Hopefully the transition to fall will shake things up a bit and give you back some mojo. I missed the full moon because I had to be in bed early, but woke up in the middle of the night thinking I'd overslept because it was so bright in my room! The security thing doesn't bother me.

    1. Thank you. I am feeling better than I was about two weeks ago, but just slowly getting back "there" where ever that really is. I think the fall transition will too. Normally I have the Fall Fun Series to look forward to but many of my old blog buddies are gone and the new ones are busy too so not sure if it will happen this year. I like waking up in the night like that and seeing how bright the full moon is coming through the windows. Hope you had a nice week. Tomorrow is Friday! And a holiday weekend. Do you get off?

      Thank you. I have been curious. I did end up applying for the HTTPS but it didn't boost my security, apparently I need a certificate? Trying to search around on my Google domain to see how I could get that if I need to. But if you guys don't mind then I won't worry about it too much.

  4. About e-mail notifications: you've probably missed Blogger's recent e-mail where they asked to re-confirm that you still want to receive those notifications (mine came yesterday for my Blogger account).
    About security: I do not know why you see your page as not secured, but I checked in Firefox and Chrome, and both browsers were fine with your site. But regardless, I wouldn't be too worried communicating even through http when it comes to blogs.

    I'm sure that once you make yourself to start the decoration, you'll feel much better. Also, if you share pictures of the results with us, it might inspire those who, like I, are too busy and keep telling ourselves: maybe next year...

    1. Oh! Yes! I did get that email recently and it made me SO happy. I quickly confirmed and now I get the comments in my inbox so I can reply to them (well at least now when I get a chance after work and school). Thank you for looking at that for me. I enjoy blogging and writing and taking pictures but the technical aspect is not something I am adept at.

      You are very right. I am happy I have Monday off. I am thinking I will have the girls help me decorate and I will feel much better. I will buy some chilled apple cider, turn on some Appalachian mountain music and go to town decorating. I will take pictures too. Thank you <3

  5. I too am sorry to hear the blues have still got you down. Sadly I am still struggling with this myself and feels like an every day struggle to keep them away. One day at a time girly <3
    You know I am still here! I may not comment as often as I would like and I do apologize for that, I am trying to get better and get back in the swing of blogging regularly which includes checking blogs. Usually when I get a chance to read blogs it is first thing in the morning at work in between checking emails and phone calls.

    I would love to see more personal post. This is YOUR blog and you put whatever content strikes your fancy and makes you happy. So if that means more personal, in-depth writing to get feelings out, so be it!

    1. Thanks Jessica. I am feeling better slowly. I am so sorry you are struggling with this too. Let me know if I can do anything. Do you want to join the FFS? I totally understand if you don't. I just thought it might be a nice spur to get something posted once a week and get back into a groove.

      Thank you for your input. I will definitely post more personal things now. I usually feel weird when I put something up and there is nothing on it about a product. I need to get out of that mindset.

    2. It sounds like fun but I don't believe I can commit to it right now with things the way they are at the moment and I would be super bummed if I were to have to bail or didn't keep up with it like I would like. Last thing I want to do is disappoint people.
      Thanks so much for inviting me though <3 (:
      I am trying to at least post once a week back on Wordpress while it will still let me with memory since I cleared a little space. Though Im not doing the best. I'm a bit disappointed that I have fallen out of it as I used to really enjoy it but life has been really topsey turvey recently.
      I've kind of taken a step back from being on the internet as much and am trying to focus on art more as a stress/anxiety relief and also my husband and I are back at board gaming which I love. More quality time. <3
      Wishing you a great long weekend, your friend.

  6. I'm still here and reading all the new posts, referring back to old ones, etc.
    I've slowed down my commenting and even my personal IG account.. I just don't "feel" like writing. I've been exhausted and extremely blah. I'm very much still here and appreciate what you do.
    I'll read about anything you write, even if it veers away from perfume, b&b, wax, etc. I love getting to know my online friends and their other interests, life, hopes and dreams, etc. There's more to life than all the glorious smell goodies. ;)

    1. Hey April! Writing does take a lot of energy. And I found I am less inclined to scroll through IG and like and comment as much as I should. I hope you get some positive energy back into your life too. Thank you for being my friend. I really appreciate it. <3
