
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bath & Body Works: Fresh Balsam Candle

Adam surprised me a few weeks ago when I came home. There was a big Bath & Body Works bag sitting on the bed with two candles and some shower gel and scrub in it. He chose this candle, Twisted Peppermint and Snowy Morning in the body care. It was a hugely sweet gesture and I think it made this candle all the more enjoyable. 

Fresh Balsam- Woodland balsam, crisp eucalyptus, fir branches and cedarwood. $24.50

I adore this scent and always have. I feel like there is a touch of sweetness in this blend of evergreens and pines and all things green and woodsy. This almost leans sugared spruce but not quite that sweet. This particular year's label and and formula threw strong and truly created a beautiful atmosphere in the living area. As it burned it emerged with a slightly smoky aspect but more of a warm shadow rather than campfire smoke. I would pick this one up again in a heartbeat. 

Alas, this one is all burnt up and has moved on but it was a wonderful home fragrance experience. 

Are you thinking about taking advantage of the yearly BBW Candle Sale? Does anyone know when it might be?


  1. How very thoughtful!! Fresh Balsam is always a winner.
    December 1st is candle day for anyone reading needing to know. Don't miss out! $8.95 this year each.

    1. Thank you Jessica! I appreciate dear friend!! I am going to go through my coupons and hope I have some that are still valid. <3 Are you going to partake??

  2. Well, that's a lovely gift from Adam, how nice. :) I also grabbed that candle, actually during the Candle Day sale (here they were $10.50 each.) We rolled in about 9:30 and the place was jammed, but we grabbed our six candles and were out the door in about 15 minutes - it was pretty chill. I've seen some pictures of craziness, but that certainly didn't happen at the location I went to. Did you end up going and getting anything?

    1. He is super sweet and knows what I like for sure. Candle Day really can't be beat for grabbing the staples. I am glad you had a chill experience. Mine was too. But I did set my alarm and was the 5th person in line so I was in and out too. I ended up getting another Fresh Balsam, Marshmallow Fireside and a couple of the essential oil blends.
