
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Beezy Tarts: August Pre-Order

Even though I am planning on not buying wax for the remainder of the year, I still have a few orders to blog about from previous pre-orders or earlier RTS orders. This is my small Beezy haul from John's August 19th pre-order. Each scent shot was $1.85 with shipping at $7.25. 

I picked up five Apple Clove Butter scent shots. John was the original Apple Clove Butter dude, but I do have some from Carol now too. I simply adore the juicy sweetness of this subtly spiced apple scent. 

Baked Apples is a much more intense cinnamon along with vibrant apples. I first fell in love with Baked Apples from Carol's version. Her and John tend to do really well pouring single fragrance oils in a way that maximizes their throw and clarity. Baked Apples is perfect for pungent spice lovers. 

Amish Quilt is a softer version of spice than Baked Apples, but still warm and toasty. John and Carol have this scent in common as well. This is a sweet cinnamon sugar scent that adds a few more kitchen cupboard spices in there as well.

I picked up two scent shots of Country Bumpkin. Deb made me aware of this scent years and years ago and I have always loved it since. It is a homey fall scent that merges apples and sweet potato, buttery brown sugar and spice. This scent always reminds me of the country gold song "Country Bumpkin." It tells the story of a girl who meets a boy then they get married and have a boy of their own and the lyrics change as she ages but still use the same theme. Come to think of it, the Frost on the Pumpkin scent reminds me of this song too.

She said, "Hello, country bumpkin
How's the frost out on the pumpkin?
I've seen some sights but, man, you're something.
Where'd ya come from country bumpkin?"- Cal Smith "Country Bumpkin"

Apple Cinnamon was a bit of a let down. It smells light and artificial with hardly any spice at all. More of a Mac apple scent.

Mint Lavender is brilliant. An herbal lavender with a hint of mint to create the perfect bedtime scent. Wishing I had picked up more of this one. 

A free sample in Autumn Magic was generously included in the order. It is a creamy leaves and floral aroma that reminds me of some type of Bath & Body Works scent. It is outdoorsy without being masculine. A nice scent. Interested to see how it melts. 

Did you order from Beezy? What Beezy scent is your favorite? Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet?


  1. I have one Country Bumpkin by a different name from a different vendor waiting to be melted, probably on Black Friday. This year my scent tastes sort of put that one into more into my Christmas stash than my fall stash.


    1. Black Friday would be a perfect Country Bumpkin day! I am thinking of melting mine on Thanksgiving. I like the apples and creamy yams/sweet potatoes together. It feels like the perfect kitchen scent. But I can totally see how you would want it for Christmas too. Are you ready for Thanksgiving?

    2. Yeah, I'm ready. We're not going anywhere or doing anything fancy, just having the boys over for the usual Thanksgiving meal. Hoping to just relax and maybe play some games.


  2. No Marshmallow Fireside?! lol
    I still have yet to try Beezy. I always contemplate an order, but haven't followed through yet. ;)
    I just started clearing my shelves and space for some Christmas decorating. I always like to get started just after Thanksgiving Day.

    1. WAS THERE MARSHMALLOW FIRESIDE?!?!?!? GAH! I tried to be quick and small and look what I missed. Fart nuggets. Ah well. Maybe I can make up for it by splurging on the BBW Candle Day Sale and grabbing a few Marshmallow Firesides.

      Hoping you are enjoying your decorating! <3

  3. I saw that Socal Scents Gal posted about Beezy's opening yesterday and I actually ordered! I've browed in the past but not enough jumped out at me to initiate an order. I must have been craving cozy because that's mostly what I got from what was left, I grabbed 2 Mint Lavenders too as that one seems to be beloved. It's just a lil order, but with yours and Abby's positive reviews I'm excited to try it. I only wish I'd read this first, I may have grabbed Country Bumpkin. Love a melt that inspires poetry and song<3

    1. Nice!! I am excited to hear what you think about your order. Excited about your Lavender Mints! I think it is a divine scent. I am all about the cozy now that it is finally getting cold around these parts. It is about 40 degrees outside as I type this and my tootsies are cold. I need to go grab some thick socks.
