
Monday, March 18, 2019

CBe Ceramics: Redwoods Tumbler

Cate Be's art really strikes a chord within me. I have one of her goddess mugs and it is a joy to drink coffee from in the mornings. Cate, the maker behind CBe Ceramics, has been having a nice mixture of ready to ship pottery pieces for sale along with a few pre-orders. This redwoods tumbler was part of a pre-order I placed in mid-January. The pre-orders take about 6-8 weeks to be made. 

I also picked up another of Cate's fire cider tonics which I will write about another time (if I don't use it all up before then).

I love this tumbler. It is great for iced coffee, juices, tea and milk. I enjoy the small saying that Cate often includes on the back of her creations. I also love that she changes up small details in the designs so that all her creations morph and flex with her inspiration yet have the same heart and soul.

And her glazes are incredible. Rusted browns and sunset oranges run and pool with turquoise stones and jade hues. 

I was thrilled to place a pre-order for one of Cate's two-sided Totoro mugs. She will probably be having a custom order opening in late April. 

I have yet to see the redwoods but I will be happy to drink from them until I can one day. What plant or tree would you like to see in person one day?


  1. So beautiful! I love her work, and I LOVE the redwoods <3

    1. I really enjoy her work too. It has so much soul.

      I just know I would be on cloud nine if I ever got the chance to walk among the redwoods. I hope to make that dream come true some day soon.

  2. Cate did a shout out on her story! Her mugs are so special and dreamy. I just love her free spirit and it shows in her work. 💜 your pictures are stunning.

    1. Her mugs really are a treat! And you are exactly right. Her personality shines in her work and I love it. Down to earth, grounded, whimsical, calm, free spirited.

      Thank you! I try my best to compliment the work. It gets tricky sometimes but I love the challenge. Especially when I have packed up all my usual photography paraphernalia and props. I have some twinkle lights and sage to work with and my camera. So it is stretching me a little. <3

      Love you.
