
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Ebb & Flow: October 2020

 The highs and lows of the month.

(Throw back photo from our Salem visit last year.)


Solstice Scents Foxcroft

Perfume Oil:

Nocturne Alchemy BIC: Halloween Spice Cake and Sixteen92 Van Helsing


Black Alchemy Wild Chaga Rootbeer


Bath and Body Works Leaves and Pumpkin Bonfire (love this one tons).


Candles From the Keeping Room pumpkin scents (love Pumpkin Firewood, Butternut Pumpkin and Frost on the Pumpkin).




Apple cider


Gardener's World on the BBC


Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, and Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury. All excellent. Currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.


Halloween instrumental music on YouTube.


Shirts from Seventh Ink.


Suave Rosemary Mint shampoo doesn't smell or feel nearly as good as the Trader Joe's version. 


Cooler weather, Christmas shopping and the first fire in the fireplace.


The December 18th decision by the governor over school mandates in COVID, the election results, and upcoming cold and flu season.


My sister leaving to go to Belgium. I will miss her. But I it is more of a bittersweet thing because she will be having a blast and I will get to fly out and see her one day in the future when COVID relents. 


My new students are amazing. I love watching them grow, getting to know them and seeing their passion for learning. They are kind to one another, humorous and pretty much just the best ever. 

October has been kind to me. I worked in the yard, the birds are coming back, and the humidity is waning. How was yours? Happy Halloween!


  1. I wish we were back in Salem! I am so excited to take that trip to Belgium with you. I'll miss her too. I've been watching her stories like a hawk. I can't get enough! At least she will be safe from the chaos here in the states. I'm so happy October has been a good month for you, and I'm glad to say the same. Love you!

    1. Wasn't it the best? Belgium will be amazing too. I am happy you are able to begin a new chapter in your own story very soon. 2021 will bring good things.

  2. So beautiful! I have been enjoying your garden photos and your reading list is like a garden! My October was absolutely beautiful, but has abruptly ended with a snowstorm and rain following. Seasons moving right aling- hard to get used to. I'm glad school is going well. No need to miss Salem, they closed all the businesses around Halloween because they were getting so many crowds. Fingers crossed next year will be better.

    1. Thank you! My garden has been a small source of easy joy for me as of late. I definitely don't have the gorgeous foliage or splendid seasons you have but I will at least get to garden all year. :-) My heart was hurting for Salem in so many ways. I hate that COVID is hurting so many people and businesses too. I should pick up some Salem goodies online soon if I can. I hope next year will be better for all of us!! Hope you are well!
