
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Band of Bloggers: Volume 3, March 2016

Welcome to the third edition of the Band of Bloggers. March is upon us and visions of spring lull us out of the winter doldrums. This month's topic sprung forth from a conversation with Deb and reading Michelle's blog post recently about Tea & Cakes being a scent trend. 

What scent trends have you noticed or have you fallen into so far this year? What do you predict being some trending scents? Scent trends can be in wax, candles, perfume, and/or body care. 

I have noticed, like Michelle, Tea & Cakes being hugely popular and blended with all sorts of fruity scents. Pistachio Pudding Cake seems to be making a come back as well. As both of these scents have a big cherry-almond component to my nose, I can't usually get on board with them. Lush dupes have really come on hard core, which I CAN get on board with and I love blending with them. 

I personally have been on a rose note kick. I want to blend it with everything. Loving roses right now in both wax and perfume. 

I predict macaron being a new trend in both wax and perfume. If I was a vendor I would try and create various versions of macarons from fruity to gourmand to floral and maybe a combination of all. Great. Now I want to eat a box of French macarons. 

We would love to hear from you! 

Please visit these Band of Bloggers blogs and help support the blogger community!

Lauren, at Lolo Loves Scents.
Liz, at Furianne
Michelle, at Waxing About.
Sunnee, at Fragrance Obsessed.


  1. I like Pistachio Pudding Cake types if they are are sweeter and more cakey than nutty. Blends with that might be interesting. I did get pistachio VBN in my January RG sampler. I'll have to resniff now that you mention this.


    1. Oooo! I bet that chunk is good! I love RG's VBN. I used to kind of like pistachio scents but I think I got one too many nasty perfumy versions and it gave me a pistachio block.

    2. It was that one from Vintage Chic that introduced me to how good pistachio could be. What was it??? Lucy & Ethel, or something like that. I tried what I thought would be similar from another vendor and it didn't even compare, was so heavy on the nutty notes that I pretty much hated it.


  2. Your kick for roses automatically has me wondering if I have any lemon curd & rose milk in my stash somewhere. And then there's Stella, a perfume I love wearing under a nice warm sweater.
    Pistachio generally throws so well but I can imagine how a blend or oil done wrong could have you running for the woods :)

    1. Hi Sunnee! Glad you made it back safely from your beautiful trip! Safe travels to DC now, hopefully you can catch the cherry blossoms early.

      Yes! It has been years since that lovely scent has graced my home but I feel it is an iconic tart for me. Shannon just restocked it so I ordered it of course. And Stella is a lovely rose fragrance. I am still agog at Tauerville's Rose Flash <3

      It was WAY wrong! Shoo Wee! Have a nice weekend, Sunnee. It was good to chat!

  3. I actually forgot I identified Tea & Cakes as a scent trend in my post, thank you for reminding me! I have always been a tea scent fan and having it coupled with cake gives it that right amount of acid for me to tolerate the bakery. I hope more tea scents come our way, actually! I love rose scents! I definitely want to get more of them! Hmm, I wonder how Rose & Tea would smell like together!

    1. Lol!! You started the train of thought! And rose and tea? Yes. I just ordered a sample of rose tea from Aftelier and cannot wait to smell and taste it next week. We have all come up with some cool blends from this question. I do love Carol's White Tea and Berries.

  4. Love Pistachio Pudding Cake scents! Also, Lush dupes are ridiculously popular, I have seen at least 3 vendors offering Lush samplers lately! Nuts! Macaron is a safe bet and falls right in line for bakery-loving folks.

    1. I didn't know you liked pistachio blends! I will have to remember that.

      Yes. Lush everywhere! Lol! I don't mind. But I am sure there are those who are ready for the Lush craze to die down. It sn't for everyone. :-)

  5. I think lavender blends are very trendy right now, the infamous lavender pink sugar blends (I'm obsessed). Lavender is one of the few scents I don't get sick of, if I smell two fizzy soda or tea and cake blends back to back I'm over it haha! I hope clean scents start trending. I love linen, air, ocean, all clean scents! I think Sugar Milk will be making a HUGE comeback this year. And wildberry blends as well.

    1. I am all over lavender blends. Your Insomnia is beautiful. I could have nothing but lavender, pink and mint blends and be happy the rest of my days. Non-detergent clean blends can be hard to find but I love those too. I have yet to find a milk blend I like. It usually comes off a tad sour. But a lot of folks eat them up. Wild berry can be fun if it is a good one. I am not sure if your Panda Berries has that in it but it is great!
