Friday, July 31, 2020

Ebb & Flow: July 2020

The highs and lows of the month.

Solstice Scents Lavender Vanilla

Perfume Oil:
Arcana Wildcraft The Huntress

Body Oil:
Blood Moon Botanica Coconut Silk

Handmade in Florida Spa

Future Primitive Bell, Book and Candle Conditioning Hair Rinse

Future Primitive Shampoo Bar

Skin Care:
Forest & Fjord Deep Forest serum mixed with Blood Moon Botanica Moon Dew

Bath and Body Works Rosemary Peppermint, love the way it smells, calming and elegant.

Candles From The Keeping Room Strawberry Noel

Israeli Bean Salad

Coffee, Water, Mango Tango iced tea

Not much to anticipate right now.

Not knowing what/when/how the school year is going to look like. Feeling anxious for my students, my own kids and my fellow co-workers.

Still loving the Wildroots natural deodorant.

I miss my birds. I miss my wildflowers and vegetable garden.

One of my favorite coffee mugs was broken. Lots of menstrual pain. Just feeling kinda low in general. 

Biking with the family in Key West. It was nice to snorkel and get out of the house for a bit and into nature. 

How did your July go? Are you looking forward to anything? If I was hard pressed I would say fall. Been melting lots of apple cinnamon around these parts. 


  1. I also loved being able to travel, just for a bit, to Vermont, and hike and be in nature! I'm looking forward to seeing what a New England August is like, and cooking with all the amazing corn and zucchini and eggplant in my farmshare!

    1. I would love to visit Vermont one day. I bet it is beautiful! New England in fall is going to be dizzying with color and beauty. Mmmmm! I love corn and zucchini! Enjoy your farm raised goodies.

  2. I always love reading your lists. I'm so sorry for the lows. :( <3 And I can't imagine what we're up against here come Fall semester. We haven't gotten any word yet from the school district what to expect.
    I kept meaning to comment on your Key West stuff and don't think I ever did. I love Key West. Have only been twice, but always up for a visit! .. if only life worked out that way! ;)
    I think July flew by pretty fast. I'd say mine was ok. I'm starting to finally, I think, see some good results from trying to take care of myself better. I still have such a long way to go, but I will absolutely take every tiny ounce of improvement!

    1. Thank you! It is so surreal trying to figure out how this year will look with the masks, the 6 foot distancing in the classroom and during lessons and the no coughing no sneezing rule. But we will all certainly do our best.

      Wow! Key West twice! That is pretty cool! It truly is a neat little island. I went when I was nine for my mom and stepdad's wedding (they go married on a pirate ship) and then for my bachelorette party. This time with my family was the BEST time. I like all the outdoor things to do.

      I am happy to hear that you are seeing some results and feeling a little bit better. That makes me so happy to hear. <3
