Monday, November 24, 2014

Melting Basket 19: Thanksgiving Smellies!

Wax I would repurchase from the last basket include: RG Cider Lane, Sweet Pumpkin Pie & Marshmallow Smoothie, Frostbeard Dumbledore's Office, S&S Ghost Much and Cookie Butter Crack, Beezy Toasted Marshmallow, LSC Candyland Dreamin' (not that I will really ever be able to order from them, it has been over a year since I have been successful), CFTKR Caramel's Perfect Autumn. I have to say. I had a kick butt basket this last week. And I have been melting like a champ! Here is what my family will be inhaling Thanksgiving Week, these are sure to be melted quickly too due to me being off of work:

Rosegirls- Pecan Waffle Butterbrickle
Rosegirls- Toffee Apple Streuselkuchen
Rosegirls- Pecan Waffle Smoothie An awesomely strong and delicious scent!
Rosegirls- Sweet Lavender Marshmallow Excellent thrower and lovely sweet bedtime scent.
Rosegirls- Pumpkin Carrot Cake <3 gift
Rosegirls- Cranberry Marmalade/Cranberry Orange/Orange Revival muffin
Rosegirls- Fireside Marshmallow Smoothie
CFTKR- Hot Orange Spiced Toddy
CFTKR- Sweet Harvest Pumpkin Twinkie cuttable <3 gift
Super Tarts- Hocus Pocus
Super Tarts- Beetlejuice <3 gift
Lasting Scent Candles- Coconut Marshmallow Latte
Sniff My Tarts- Pumpkin Pecan Waffle Type

If there are any you are curious about please comment and I will review it more in depth!

Last week we had a wonderful cold snap roll through with lows in the 30's at night, Adam and I used that forecast to build our first fire of the season and make homemade hot chocolate. I can't get over how easy it is when using those bars and how much richer and more delicious it tastes than using the packets. So far I have only tried the Chocolate Cortes, but I have a bar of Chocolate Menier waiting next in line. Do you have a favorite hot chocolate mix or method? (Deb?!)

Out Thankful Tree has bloomed with blessings and will be sadly coming down Friday morning to make way for Christmas. This week I will also begin plotting the Christmas advent calender activities for December. Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Christmas? Looking forward to a particular event?


  1. Favorite hot chocolate, hands down.. Mexican Hot Chocolate made with Ibarra Mexican Chocolate. It has coarse sugar and cinnamon in it and you can usually find it in the import section of your grocery store.

    What was CFTKR Caramel's Perfect Autumn like?? :)

    Loved your Thankful Tree <3

    1. Jotting that one down! Thanks!

      It was AWESOME! It had a deep caramel sweetness with a back note of musk that made a beautiful sweet scent. I am holding into the last tart for a long time. It was nice and strong.

      I hope you have a beautiful week Lynda <3

  2. Haha, I'm boring in my cocoa like I'm boring in my wax. I don't even know what bars you're talking about.....? While I'm content to just dump a packet into hot water, I do prefer flavored ones to the plain chocolate. I'd really like to try all those fancy Starbucks flavors I see offered in packets.

    Back when I was just getting out of soap making, I dabbled in homemade cocoa mixes and had plans of switching my Etsy shop from soap to cocoa mixes. I never did much with that idea though because, just like with soap, there weren't enough people around me who loved cocoa enough to help me taste test and tweak recipes.


    1. I will take a pic and send it on FB. I love that you tinkered with making homemade cocoa and bird treats. I think that is awesome and my Ma would LOVE those bird treats. Avid bird watcher she is.

      Oh and if you need a cocoa taste tester... Well I know a gal....

    2. Hmm...I'm considering playing around with cocoa again. Not sure how to get all the creative flavors though. Hmm. Have to do some reading, methinks.


  3. Totally unrelated, but I had also dabbled in homemade bird seed treats like suet bars and seed balls/shapes. That was fun too, something I think about playing around with again every now and then.


    1. Would you consider a tutorial on your blog? I would like to make one for my grandma.

    2. It's been years since I've done it. I'd have to look into it all over again. Maybe I still have my old notes and stuff in my soap stuff. If I come with anything, I'll let you know.


  4. Love the fire photo!! Ok, so I'm totally lazy & inexperienced with my hot cocoa -- we still use the packets!! How do you make it homemade? I bet it does taste better!!

    Glad to see a lot repurchases in your basket. I'm curious about the pecan waffle ones, I bet the smell lovely! Hope y'all have a great Thanksgiving!!

    1. Pumpkin pecan waffle scents are copies of the BBW candle. They are a creamy rich bakery scent.

      Publix has the bars of chocolate by the Swiss Miss. You break off some, add a little milk to the sauce pan and stir until melted. Then add more milk and heat in same pot. It is very tasty!! I hope y'all have a great Thanksgiving too!!! I will be reading Scorpio Races!

  5. Can I just come sit in your house & smell all the goodies?? :) are you going to melt hocus pocus while watching hocus pocus?? Best. Movie. EVER!!!!

    1. Please do!!! And bring a satchel to carry what you like home with you <3 I melted Hocus Pocus already. I didn't get a chance to watch the movie this year :-/ Now I am ready for Christmas movies!!!

    2. I'm all out of floo powder, or I'd be there in a hot minute!! <3
      I am sooo ready for Christmas movies!! what's your favorite?? Watching Rudolph is always a must.. and Muppet Christmas Carol & Elf!

    3. Yes! Muppet Christmas Carol is awesome! I love Christmas Story, Scrooged, Home Alone and Harry Potter marathons. Is it sad that I have never seen Elf?! Oh! And National Lampoon's Christmas vacay.
