Sunday, March 17, 2019


It's funny how this winter we had different birds come to visit and some that were missing. I did't have my regular woodpecker friend. My Tufted Titmice didn't visit nearly as much and a few others stayed away. But I did get some Goldfinches and several other birds, some of which I am having a hard time identifying. 

This past week has been busy. I had an overnight field trip with my 6th graders at the Orlando Science Center. It was fun having a whole museum to ourselves. It was a really great program. We started with a movie in the IMAX Dome, then some CSI experiments like blood typing, computer facial recognition, chromatography and such, then we headed up to the observatory and looked through two massive telescopes. We got the see four baby stars that were "recently" born in Orion's nebula (they are only a million years old compared to our sun which is about 4 billion I think). Then we saw the moon up close and it was incredible. 

This weekend I am alternating between packing, playing in my garden, reading and buying mugs. Good gravy is Adam going to be surprised when they roll in.

Hey. How funny does that yellow and black bird look up there?? Like a missile headed right to the feeder. 

Spring break starts next week on Thursday and lasts until March 31st. I am very much looking forward to it. It will be packed but it will be good. 

How is your mid-March looking? Did you notice any difference in your bird visitors? Does it normally change that much? Wondering what birds I will see when I move. 


  1. The doves are back! I love their squeaky wings. I want to tell them I rescued their baby they left here last fall. How does one tell them that? I tried to tell them telepathically. I found the poor thing in my yard when I drove up. The local cat huntress had got ahold of it. Luckily it was ok and a local bird sanctuary took I in. I also observed a tiniest little thing on a branch in my back window riding out a crazy windstorm.

    1. You are so right!!! Doves are some pretty noisy fellas when they fly. They like to announce their arrival and departure. How sweet of you to save that wee dove babe. I hope he is hale and hearty now.

      Birds are so resilient aren't they?? I am always awed by them.

  2. I love your birds! At our new house, we have bluebirds, which I'd never seen in person in my life before - even though we moved only 6 blocks! We have cardinals, doves, sparrows so far - I just sat out the bird seed, and I still need to get a bird bath and hang the hummingbird feeders. I'm hoping to attract a lot of friends when my pollinator garden gets going! We also have a lot of birds of prey in my neighborhood, esp. hawks, kestrals, and vultures. I miss the amazing cranes and roseate spoonbills of Central Florida!

    1. How exciting!! The bluebirds are a wonderful way to welcome you to your new home. <3 So many amazing birds already. I just know once you get your garden and feeders and such going you will have backyard brimming with them. I am fascinated with kestrels. They are so small but mighty. The cranes are really cool but you are right... the spoonbills are just lovely. We have one lone spoonbill I pass sometimes on my way to work who hangs with a bunch of other waterbirds on the side of the road and I always enjoy seeing him.

  3. Where and why are you moving? I read your blog every day and don't remember you sharing that with all of us.

    Boulder, CO

    1. Hey Leigh! We are moving to Orlando here in a couple months. Adam's job has been pushing for us to move so he can be in the office every day as a manager but we kinda drug our feet for a while. The time is nigh. So I am packing, sending our resumes and applications for the girls and I for new schools. We won't be terribly far from Lakeland (where family and friends are) since we are looking in the Ocoee/Winter Garden area instead of the other side of Orlando. I will try and keep up as things get hairy. The blogging is a nice stress reliever for me sometimes. Makes me sit down and think about something other than all the unknowns. How are you doing?

  4. Have you packed the rest of the Hand to Earth order?

    With Brexit approaching I was thinking about a UK order, if the exchange rate improves for us. The soapmaker I wanted to try shows lovely pics of soaps, maybe for herself or wholesale because her shop never changes. So that may save me.

    1. I have not!!! I had to mend one of the mugs (I found out it was cracked when I went to use it- so Deanna mentioned trying epoxy resin) and I have been using the other one almost every other day. I just love it! I need to take them out for a photo shoot. I have two more I need to take pictures of as well.

      It's funny you say that. When I am jonesing for a FuturePrim order I check the exchange rate and either place it if it is favorable or wait it our a few months if it seems too high. What soaper are you looking at?? There is a mug maker from the UK I noticed lately too.

    2. The shop is
      Her IG is

  5. Also observatories are so cool, I need to go again! One time I got to look at Saturn and was able to see rings.

    1. WHOA!!! I would be over the moon if I saw Saturn's rings!!!!! I actually picked up a shirt from the science center with a cat in space with rings around it that glows in the dark with the words "caturn" underneath. I am such a nerd.

    2. LOL, love it!! Btw this is totally random, was wondering if you recall seeing Britton say what happened to the orange cat she had. It was a rescue kitten when she was at Haus of Gloi. They were reunited after the PCT but I haven't heard about him in a long time. Looks like she just moved to the desert, we may have a new array of wildcrafted items to look forward to!

    3. Oh yeah!!! I remember him now. She did get him back after the trail. Hm. I am thinking she doesn't have him any longer since she has not posted photos and since she got the dog. Maybe he was rehomed? I did love seeing some of the new posts of her new surroundings!! Looking forward to seeing what she makes. I hope she still wants to craft her goodies. I just love her work.
