Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Warmed Wax: Candles From The Keeping Room

Pink Sugared Strawberries- Medium-strong to strong throw in the kitchen and living area, extra sweet Fresh Picked Strawberry with that luscious cotton candy and caramel sweetness from Pink Sugar. I would say 50/50 Pink Sugar and FPS scent. Loved it and would repurchase. It did get a little cloying towards the end when the berries wore off after several hours. But dump around then and you should be fine.

White Cedar Forest- This one is a bit of a misnomer. I don't get any cedar in this scent but I really don't care if it was named Witch's Cold Fanny. It smells incredible. The throw is strong in my bedroom but not obnoxious. Coconuts and vanilla musk and light woods with a hint of spice waft all about, casting an enchanting atmosphere. If I can grab a bag of this every time I order from Carol, I sure dang will try.

Bonus: Ten Digit Creations Rosewood & Amber- It is almost a pain to review this one as it is a discontinued scent :-( and I want to cry a little just thinking about that. A solid medium-strong scent of beautifully powdered rosewood, roses and sultry amber on a bed of musk. One of my favorite scents of all time. Not a repurchase as it is impossible. >insert broken heart here<

I am climbing out of a slight rut. Trying to find time to carve out some reading and relaxing with purpose, if that makes any sense. I feel like there are so many things I want to do but just not enough time to go around. I used to not have this problem. If I wanted to do something, I just did it. Maybe I should just shelve some things for the summer to do, the quilts and such. 

I still find time to order though... pending orders: FuturePrimitive wax, Moonalisa wax, The Bathing Garden order to be split with a friend, Lasting Scent Candles, an Arcana perfume order and an Archaic Honey body butter order. 

Do you have any pending orders? Waiting on something fun to arrive? Do you schedule in things you want to accomplish?


  1. No pending orders for me, not even craft supplies. We're going to try and hold off spending too much extra money for now because hubby really wants to get a small tractor, to be able to do yard projects. I'm okay with this since I'm stalled on the whole craft thing...again.

    I saw a new Front Porch scent in last night's update email: Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato. Um, eeuw? LOL


    1. How cool! Tractors are fun. And maybe when grandbabies come around one day you can take them on hay rides. I should be holding off on ordering since I have so many things to save for but being in my rut led to some consolation purchases. No regrets, though. What's done is done. Must move on with fortitude. I am set on wax for a while now though.

      Would it be too crazy to think about making Christmas cards one at a time?

      Ew. That is totally dis-gross-ting. I am not sure why something like that should even be attempted unless it is for a gag gift.

    2. I'm trying to keep things open and if I feel like making a Christmas card in March, I'll allow myself to do that. Easter cards and simple notecards are on my mind at the moment. I stamped out some random Easter images the other night, gave some to hubby and said "Color these." LOL

      I'd like to snoop around Sweet Fixations, Dessa's, CLK....but I'm afraid I'll order from each one, and I shouldn't be doing that right now. Boredom might lead me down that path though!


    3. Good. I figured that might make Christmas cards less daunting once fall rolls around. Please show us Kurth's artwork.

      I know if I lurk about I tend to pop a few in the cart and then next thing I know I have checked out and I have tons of orders pending.

  2. Ooh, I am looking forward to hearing about your orders from Moona wax and Britton's shop. I have a jewelry swap coming today possibly that I am excited about. I need a pick me up also, eyeing a travel spray of Laurie's Spiced Citrus Vetiver. Oh, and I forgot to tell you I got a job and it is in my town, I can't believe it! I get home before 5:00! We have had some spring-like weather lately, my goal is to go to the track at the park a few times a week.

    1. Thanks! I am excited about those two orders. I hope you love your new piece! I am loving my sample of the Spiced Citrus Vetiver. I will probably end up getting a travel spray of it sooner or later.

      Congrats on the new job!!!! I am SO happy for you! I hope you love your new job. And getting home at a decent time with a shorter commute is such a great feeling. I hope you get to go to the park. <3

  3. I'm nearing the end of my pending orders with two hopefully arriving this week, including LSC. Not panicking over this because I'm also nearing the end of my shopping ban;) I'm planning a big spring Bathing Garden order on March 1st and hoping it arrives before Easter. Did you order the eggs? I think I might get those. My sis just showed me her huge V-day haul and I got to smell a lot of the ones you reviewed/mentioned. Loved them all except the cherry and cinnamon red hots, but wow, some of the prettiest wax I've seen.
    Lately, I've been drawn to Candles from Keeping Room melts myself, some thanks to you~recaps coming...

    Also struggling with reading time the last week or so, now I'm juggling three. Ugh, why do I do this to myself? Hope you get the time you deserve and slow down if you want.

    1. That is kind of why I love longer TATs mixed in with RTS and short TATs, gives me something to look forward to down the road in case I am not ordering. I DID order eggs but not in The Golden Egg. I ordered eggs in the Blackberry Fudge scent. I think if I like the clamshell of The Golden Egg I might spring for them in the eggs too. Depends. How fun for you and your sister! One of my sisters orders wax too and I LOVE smelling scents with her. Shannon's wax seriously is stunning. So whimsical and beautiful and magical.

      I cannot wait to see what you think of the CFTKR wax. I look forward to reading your thoughts. I hope you liked Citrus and Balsam. It is a strong one. I am reading a huge book right now (about over 800 pages) so it is taking me longer to read but also I am just not reading as much as I want to. So I feel like it will take me ages to get through... but i am LOVING it. I missed Jamie and Claire and everyone in Outlander so much. Like visiting old friends. Hoping this weekend I can squeeze in some real book time. Hope you can too!! xoxo

  4. I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling bummy, but hopefully coming out of it? I haven't been feeling down emotionally lately per se, but I just haven't felt like my life has had much purpose in the past few weeks - things are very boring. I usually have a big list of upcoming projects for my blog and stuff, and lately it's just been kind of meh - I can't really think of anything I want to do. I really think it might be the time of the year - we're stuck between here and nowhere, all of us just trying to get through the winter and move on to better, sunnier things. I also think the current, um, chaotic political climate is affecting people more than any of us perhaps realize. Anyhow, I hope you're feeling better soon. :)

    SO looking forward to that Bathing Garden order! It's going to be fabulous, I can feel it. And your choice of Carrot Cake is going to be an awesome one.

    1. I go through cycles of it. Months of being able to handle my feminine stressors and other times when it brings me down not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. Boring can be hard. Inertia and stagnation can be crippling. I am sure winter only compounds that. This is our time of year to be out and about outdoors before the oppressing heat descends on us. Politics is definitely adding to the unease. I try to focus on fostering love and community where I can, especially in the home. It helps me to not feel helpless.

      Me too!!! I know it will be fabulous.
