Monday, May 21, 2018


Hey there. I just wanted to pop-in and let you know that I will be taking a small break for about a week or so. The last week of school is this week and it is a tad hectic. I am also using my free time to quilt for my sister's wedding and I really don't have the extra time to post like I want to at the moment. I do have some wax and bath bombs and such to share, plus when I return I will have a nice giveaway to post (in a few days) I hope. The blog's 4th birthday is May 29th. But in the meantime I need to be sitting in front of my sewing machine every chance I get. 

It is raining here. Peaceful and maybe a touch melancholy. But rainbows and good things to come. 

How are you doing? 


  1. Best of luck with the final stretch of school and the wedding quilt! We are having weirdly cool weather again here, and I'm taking full advantage to catch up with all these children's fantasy authors I missed out on. Just read Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones this past weekend and loved it! I only vaguely remember the Ghibli film so immediately raced out and find a copy. It's different than the book, but so lovely in its own way <3

    1. Thank you, Kate. Today is the last day!!! Woot! I can get back to blogging and reading and making memories with my babies (who really aren't babies any longer). I will be sewing 24/7 here come Saturday. Maybe it is all the tropical depressions rolling through but the rainy hazy overcast days are speaking of winter and reading to me too. Enjoy your cooler days. <3

      Ok. You know I have to ask... what children's fantasy are you reading? I watched Howl's Moving Castle a few months ago for the first time and it was moving and funny. I hadn't realized it was a book, but now that I know I will be reading it. I have been enjoying some (children's?) fantasy in the kingdom series but more historical fiction rather than fantasy I think? Realistic fantasy? I have no idea how to categorize it.

  2. After finishing the Dark is Rising books I decided to go back and read Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series, which is based on Welsh mythology. I had a copy of The Book of Three as a kid, but never got into it. While I'm waiting on the audio of that from the library, I blew through two books by Frances Hardinge, a recent British author with a similar style to Neil Gaiman. Enjoyed Cuckoo Song a lot, The Lie Tree not as much. After that I read Howl's Moving Castle and realized Diana Wynne Jones has a huge backlist (yay!). I just finished the first book in her Chrestomanci series and will also pick up the next book in the Howl's Castle sequence. Is the Kingdom series the one by Chuck Black?

    1. Forgot to add! Alan Garner is another author on my list to look for. The Owl Service is probably the easiest to find in the US, and is also related to Welsh mythology.
