Wax melts from the last basket, the last one of 2018, that I enjoyed and would melt again: Beezy Amish Quilt, VCS Central Park Snowglobe, CFTKR Warm & Cozy and Three Ravens Covenstead.
Bohemienne Life- Mabon
Bohemienne Life- Medieval
Bohemienne Life- Blackberry Bordeaux Cookie
Bohemienne Life- 3rd Eye
CFTKR- Alpine Cheer
CFTKR- Smoked Vanilla
CFTKR- Woodland Festival
Dessa's Homespun Scents- Country Store
Zeep- 221B <3 gift
Sniff My Tarts- Blue Sugar/Frostbite/Fireside
Black Violet- Alone in the Forest <3 gift
The birbs are back! Most of my winter birds have returned to visit the feeders. The suet cake is whittling away, the seeds are scattered every evening and the chirps and birdsong wake me every morning.
I am spotting some new fellas and some old friends have yet to return but there are still a few months let before they leave me again. I decided against replanting the garden with neat rows of veggies. Instead I threw caution to the wind and randomly planted wildflowers all over. Honestly, out of everything I grew last year the wildflowers offered me the most joy and right now that happiness is all I am looking to harvest.
These photos of my very first Eastern Bluebird sighting are fuzzy since I was deathly afraid of scaring them away. I took the photo from inside my house where a sliding glass door and a screened in porch separated us. But they were so cute and I am thrilled to have seen them.
Getting back into the routine of school and work offers a solace of its own. Strangely I find myself looking a calendar in shock and realizing January is just about gone.
Some things that I will be working on posting about in the next week:
Fox Fire wax tarts
Sawdust & Embers candles
Arcana Wildcraft perfumes
the most killer Luna Lovegood necklace ever
Are you glad January is almost over or do you wish it would linger?
Wishing for January to linger in Ohio would make anyone the cruelest sadist, hard pass. I'm literally on a spring countdown. But maybe if I saw these cuties out my window each morning, I'd sing a different tune. Those bluebirds are darling.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see your Luna necklace, Dida metals pulled off such a beauty!
Hahahahaaa!!! You are totally right. I apologize for my nearsightedness. Here in Florida January is actually a pretty nice weather month. Some chilly clear days, some warm days. I was reading somewhere how January was like one long Monday and was slightly relating to that sentiment.
DeleteBirbs!!! I love them. What if some of your winter birds are my summer birbs... We could send each other scented messages.
ReplyDeleteThat would be totally awesome. Even just knowing that some of our feathered friends share a home among us would be sweet to know. Summer with Missy and winter with Toddles. Hope you are doing well!
DeleteYeah, good riddance to January. It's always long enough with 31 days. We got so much darn snow and crazy below zero temps in WI. I'm more than ready to move on. Lol
ReplyDeleteI cannot even being to imagine how awful that can be. I hope February is treating you kindly up there.
DeleteFebruary is being kinda brutal, too. Lol So many cold temps and snow. But hey, Winter in WI. ;) I'm over it, though. I do prefer Winter over Summer, but sometimes you can only take so much crap weather.
DeleteI hope you've been having great temps and weather in FL. :D
When does it start to be bearable? Maybe April? May? Gosh, that is a LONG winter. February still has cold snaps (it just rained so a cold one just blew in today) and once in a while Marsh. But by April it is pretty much summer. LOL! Our summers are so long and so hot. April to about October/November. With 80's throughout winter. Weather has been really nice here. Feels like fall/spring with temps in the 70's mostly and breezy. I want to be outside all day. Because soon I will be sweating my ovaries off.
DeleteTypically in May, we can think Winter is finally over. Lol My birthday is in late April and I've celebrated plenty with snow still all around. Ridiculous. Lol But yeah, I'd still take the snow over the hot sweaty temps. ;) ;)