Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lasting Scent Candles: Order 2

Yes, Lasting Scent Candles is closing, but not just yet. There should be a few more openings before their remaining stock runs out. This order is from an opening they had May 24th. I imagine there will be another one again in the near future. The openings are announced on Facebook.

Scrumptious Vanilla Bread (x2)- Smells like creamy zucchini bread piled high with vanilla cream and a drizzle of caramel. Heavy bakery.

Coconut Cream Pie (x2) So good I had to pick it up again. Best creamy toasted coconut ever.

Snicklefritz (x2) Toffee caramel bakery ooey gooey deluxe supreme madness. 

Lemon Wedding Cake (x2) So good I had to pick it up again. Again. Lemon bakery at its finest.

Vanilla Bean Mousse (x2) Rich vanilla, almost into sweetened condensed milk territory. Very yummy.

Temptation (x2) Lemon berry cake deliciousness.

Malay Apple (x2) repurchase, Felicity (x2) repurchase, Peridot Rock Candy (free sample) smells like green apple with a sour Jolly Rancher lean. 

Sweet Lavender Nectar (x2) repurchase, Smoking Mirrors (x2) pomegranate, mahogany, cedarwood, and raw hide-WOW- smells like the Wild Wild West, Bliss (x2) repurchase.

Black Linens smells like the best laundry day ever. 

 The wax is a bit softer and works really well in bulb warmers. Scent shots run $1.75 each and there is a limit of three of each scent I believe. Shipping is $9.00, so make it count. Keep a weather eye on LSC Facebook feed for opening announcements if you are interested in ordering. 


  1. Hmmm, another closure? It may be because us Canadians have lost three major retailers in 2015 so far (Target, Black's and Sony) but it feels like everyone's going under! What's a wax lover to do? At least you got to enjoy these, and Black Linens sounds intriguing!

    1. Gil! No more Target?! That is a shame! I am sorry to hear that you are losing so many great stores. Sometimes it feels like our economy is rebounding and then other times like it is regressing again. A very strange time for international economics right now. I hope it stabilizes soon for everyone. There are a lot of wax vendors closing up right now: Lasting Scent Candles, Enchanted Candle Company, Streetman Company Store, just in the past couple of months. They are all for various reasons but it is still sad. Especially since they all make amazing wax. Black Linens is a nice one. Basically a laundry type scent but still very well done. I love a good laundry scent every now and again. Hope you have had a nice June so far. I was exciting for me to get to sample an Olympic Orchids scent after reading your review of them. I quite liked it!

  2. No Patchouli Honey for you? I thought for sure ... :)
    The Malay Apples was a surprise favorite in my order! So pretty. I get more floral than apple so that's probably why I like it.
    Oh Temptation sounds like one that I let get away. Hopefully there's some leftover oils and I'll see it again!

    1. The patchouli honey was out when I ordered. I love patchouli! Malay apple was one of my faves too <3 you are spot on, the floral bite makes all the difference. Saving a temptation for you, I picked up two! Happy Thursday!

  3. Gorgeous pics!

    I never got into Last Scents. I know the super oily thing was always a turn off for me, but it seems like maybe they were one of the long TAT people back before long TATs were the norm. Or maybe it was high shipping or something. I can't remember. I've seen scents in the hauls of others that just sound so yummy but I just never ordered for myself.


    1. Thank you!! The branches and lights are reminding me of fall. >_< oily can be an issue sometimes. TAT is decent right now but I think I remember it being kinda long in the past and yes, $9 flat rate shipping I believe. So I tend to order bigger. Get that big box going, their bakery really is fantastic. Actually, a lot of their scents are pretty good. They have a sweet undertone or something that is unique to them. I can't quite pin point it.

    2. (Last Scents? Wow, duh me.)

    3. Well technically they ARE the last of the lasting scents :-D

    4. I've seen some people mention LSC being super oily, but I've never experienced that myself. Maybe it depends on the weather/humidity or something. Shipping used to be around $6-$7, and she had a lower rate for small orders. She does refund any overage if shipping is less than $9. Back when she had both RTS and custom, RTS shipped quick and custom TAT has always been 21 business days, sometimes it went over slightly for various reasons, but she always tried to get them out within the stated timeframe. I realize even 21 business days is too long for some, but compared to other vendors it's miniscule.

    5. Hi Anon! You have a good point. Maybe it is heat/humidity. Not all of my LSC did it, but some did. And Florida is famous for its heat and humidity :-) That is great to know about shipping! Mine must have all been on the bigger side as $9 is what I usually paid. I don't mind as long as I get close to $9 worth of shipping. 21 day TAT sounds familiar too. Yes that is on the quicker side when some TAT are several months but my friend Deb likes about a week TAT if she can get it. LSC has been really fast lately with these last few orders. Have you been able to order from the last couple of openings? What are your favorite scents from them?

  4. Your pictures are gorgeous. I should have ordered Smoking Mirrors!

    1. Thank you so much! I try to change it up from time to time. Smoking Mirrors totally captured my imagination when I read the scent description. It is so wild and fun! I will be rationing that one out. Maybe melt it while watching some John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. <3
