Thursday, June 4, 2015

Order of the Odor: Volume 10

Welcome to the Order! We are so excited to bring you two new members to the Order: Michelle from Waxing About and Liz from Furianne! These ladies write awesome blog posts about smelly stuff and we are honored to have them join us. Please chime in on our question this month:

Have you had any wax ordering frustrations?

Why yes, yes I have. But we are all people and people make mistakes and goof up and it is all natural. My biggest gripe is something that happened to me with a vendor a year or so ago. I ordered a couple dozen scent shots. The vendor messaged me to say about half a dozen of them were out and wanted to know if I would rather wait for the oils to come in or take different scents. I immediately replied and requested to wait. I wanted the scents I picked. About a week later my package arrives, and the scents were things that she picked out. Ugh. No thanks. I did not want those scents. Yet I had to pay for them. Even after I answered that I would wait. I can understand accidentally getting the wrong scents or something when packing orders. But that was just not fun. 

Over paying on shipping frustrates me. Shipping in boxes that are way too large for the amount of tarts frustrates me. Silent openings frustrate me. To no end. I suck at silent openings. 

Not ordering related but mean folks in wax groups frustrates me. They make it really hard for new people to come in. The rules are different for each vendor and not all of them are clearly posted. 


Deb hauled from a newer wax vendor and is quite impressed with their TAT, scents, throw and pricing. What new vendor has snared Deb's hard to capture attention? Come and find out, you will want to order too!

There is a vendor that Sunnee tries to never miss a sale from. Check out her most recent post showcasing just such a sale haul. Her gorgeous photos and blend picks are sure to create a lemming. 

Jamie Lauren Cupcakery and Confection in Wax (JLCCW), a old popular vendor who closed and is now slated to re-open (for the second time- fingers crossed!) has a reputation for cute and strong throwing wax creations. Liz was one of the lucky old crew that hauled a nice order before JLCCW closed and is reviewing some. Check out how JLCCW wax is faring years later.

Mystery tarts, custom brittle and scent shots that have lightening fast TAT are all great things but when the brittle is Pink Peppermint you KNOW that is the cherry on top. And you probably know who hauled it.... Lauren! Haul posts are rare gems from her, so make sure not to miss this one!

Lasting Scent Candles announced they are closing, but will still be selling off their stock on their website with announcements on Facebook, until they run out. Julie shares her recent LSC haul with wishes we can all grab some last stragglers before they are gone forever.

Plum Wine Sandalwood, Jasmine Vanilla Green Tea Peach, and M'Lady's Boudoir fragrances... can you guess what vendor these unusual and innovative blends hails from? Michelle shares her recent haul that includes these cool scents, great photos and ordering information.  


  1. Ugh, that's terrible. I am so sorry that happened to you, no part of that would make you feel like a valued customer. Let me join your I-suck-at-silent-opening club, I hope there's less of that in future.

    1. It was frustrating. For sure.

      Silent opens are a bane. No fun, no bueno. I hope so too Michelle.

  2. Ouch. Did you ever bring up the issue with the vendor?
    I was looking over some old notes I'd taken from orders I'd made when I first got into the world of wax and realized that I was too passive when it came to vendors' messups with my orders. My fault, of course, but nowadays I wouldn't let that pass. I've found that in the past year or so I've stopped caring about being so nice to people that are... well, wrong.
    Fail time. I was going back and reading the comments of your giveaway post (those comments make me so happy! Everyone's so nice here in our corner of the internet) and noticed that I didn't have a comment there. I could have sworn I'd made a comment, I even remember typing it out, but I guess I didn't publish it. D'oh!

    1. You know, I didn't because I figured she knew what I wanted but just wanted to get the order out and be done with it. Unfortunately, now I am done with that wax company. I used to be waaaaay more hesitant to say anything but now I do. The answers aren't always the best, but most vendors are gracious enough and have great customer service and will fix the problem. It has to be hard though, because I am sure their are knuckleheads out there trying to cheat the system or get free product. I can't imagine some of the stress these vendors are under. But customer service is important and will keep me coming back if it is good!

      Oh no!!! Well, I failed too. I thought yesterday was Thursday (Doh!) and closed it a day too early :-( if you want to message me you can still enter since Blogger commenting is so loopy. I had another lady message me :-)

  3. PACKAGING, YES. Why vendors try and get away with overcharging customers is beyond me. I get flat rate, really I do, but if we order 4 scent shots and they get put in a regional A box?? WHAT?? No way.

    Sorry about your experiences, I remember you telling me about that, I think. That's definitely not the way to handle the situation. :/ :(

    Just say no to silent openings. :P

    1. Yes. The medium flat rate with 6 scent shots kills me. Every. Time.

      Just say no!!!! Silent openings are bad.... Mmmm K?

  4. Overcharging in shipping drives me CRAZY. Your experience is just horrible, horrible customer service that is hard to excuse. I would be done with the vendor too.

    1. YES!!! I kinda was plotting a CBV order when Deb was but I just couldn't pull that shipping trigger. I will pay $20 to ship from the IK but ask me to spend $10 on a handful of wax. Nope. Out. Such a nut I know. ;-)

  5. I had a somewhat similar incident, only I didn't even get the 'courtesy' of being asked what I wanted to do. I found a note inside my order saying that she'd run out of some oils and substituted scents for me. There weren't even scents remotely close to what the rest of the order was. I was rather irked.

    I'm glad we did this group gripe session. Hopefully readers will visit each linked blog and see all the other gripes.


    1. Isn't the worst? We didn't buy a mystery box. We want our scents!

      Me too. There are a lot of similar gripes too and I think ones some left out were covered by other inadvertently. Kinda funny since we never know each other's answers until we post.

    2. Hah! Same thing here, so you just inspired me to send a message to Dairy-Aire. Done!

    3. Oooooh, we gotta know! What happened in your case?


  6. Hi Julie, I'm enjoying reading wax frustrations. Ok here's mine. I really loathe when you want to ask vendor a question and your told by group members (sometimes vendor also) don't ask the vendor because they have to stop pouring to answering message. Ask the admins REALLY.... That's an instant refund request for me.

    1. Hey Yasmine! It was very interesting to see what pet peeves we all have regarding wax. Each vendor operates a little differently and we all have various things that bug us more than others. But honestly, I think it could all be positive feedback if viewed that way.

      YES! Your pet peeve is very understandable. Especially if it is a question about your order. I do find if I have questions and ask via email or PM that they have always been answered. But general questions should be welcomed too. Especially when newbies come in and want to know how to order or where the rules as guidelines are or what is available. It can be very confusing!

      I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
