Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Better Homes & Gardens: Thankful Harvest

This tart was a gift from my sweet friend Deb. Thankful Harvest is one of her favorite scents this time of year and I admit, I have been yearning to try it. The scent falls heavily into the All Things Autumn and Cozy category. Cinnamon, fresh scooped pumpkins, and a touch of vanilla, a blending that manages to be unique but familiar. It had the throw of a Heisman winner and filled my home to the ceiling with Thanksgiving cheer. I would absolutely repurchase this. 


  1. YAY! I always get so worried when I hype something so much and others find it 'meh.' I have four packs of this in my stash. I paused on it when selecting a melt this morning, then thought 'Nah, wait till next week.' =)


    1. Totally lives up to the hype. So spicy and yummy. Thank you for making it happen for me. I appreciate it Deb. You're the best! <3

  2. Love A Thankful Harvest! I need to pick up more. Will have to melt it with my Pumpkin Coconut candle for Thanksgiving. :)

    1. Isn't it grand?! It makes a perfect Thanksgiving scent. I am planning on my pumpkin coconut candle and my Lasting Scent Candle pumpkin marshmallow grahams. Our homes will be smelling cozy <3

  3. I sniff this one every dang year, wanting to like it but I can't get past the butteriness. Almost smells popcorn-y to me. I may have to bite the bullet, pay the $2, and just melt it!

    1. I can totally see the butter issue. I hate too rich butter scents (and popcorn scents) but this one goes away when melting. Try it and let me know if it does for you too.
