Friday, May 19, 2017

Melting Basket 95

So many repurchases! So let's get this thing started: SMT Pink Sugar, Dessa's Apples & Evergreen, Fresh Raspberry Sauce, Destination: Wax Honey:Honeysuckle, TDC Pink Coconut Sandalwood Marshmallow, Scentsy Hemingway, Southbound Baja Blossom, Ramble On Bee Sting Tea, Hayden Rowe Italian Biscotti, VCS Imogene's Serendipity Pie, RG Lavender, Orchids and Violets. 

CFTKR-Tarocco Orange
CFTKR- Fresh Picked Strawberry Noel Fluff
CFTKR- Twisted Mermaid
CFTKR- Fruits & Melons & Berries
CFTKR- Blueberry Cream Type
Glitterati- Honeydew Buttercream Cake
Glitterati- Fizzy Oasis
Lasting Scent Candles- Blackberry Ren Ten
Lasting Scent Candles- Fire Roasted Strawberry
The Bathing Garden- Embellish Me (coconut lime)
Rosegirls- Posh Pristine Peach <3 gift
Rosegirls- Escape to Neverland (pineapple, raspberry, orange sherbet, vanilla ice cream)
Rosegirls- Raspberry Sauce/Mango Sorbet/Gilligan's Brew
Beezy- Mango Sorbet

If you would like any of these reviewed after melting, please let me know!

I have the bane of the fragrance blogger's existence... a head cold. I cannot smell anything and I have so much stuff here to review! I will get busy taking photos this weekend and starting the write ups but the sniffing and huffing and testing will have to wait until I can breathe and smell things again. 

So what am I doing with my down time? My pj's and bed resting? Reading Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews and watching Tudors endlessly. I don't know if it is a combination of being sick, and the end of the school year or what but I am straight knackered. But hey. Only 10 school days left or something ridiculously short like that. My first school year in this new job has been great fun. I loved it and I look forward to my time spent at Magnolia Montessori in the future. 

So what kinds of things are sitting here waiting for me to smell them? How about a nice high end candle, incense, Possets perfume, Sixteen92, Alkemia, Arcana (you're surprised aren't you? I can tell.), For Strange Women and my Cosmic Cleanse order. I broke one of my cardinal blogging rules and tore into one of my Cosmic Cleanse products and used it before photographing it. I know. I know. Almost unforgivable. But I needed to try that infused peppermint oil. 

What do you like doing when sick in bed? Have anything in the mail arriving?


  1. Oh I just hate when you can't smell all the smelly smellies! No fun! Hope you get to feeling well soon.
    I love finding the most comfortable pjs, curling up with Netflix (or Hulu because come on GOLDEN GIRLS!!) and since I am by myself most of the time since my husband works such long hours I like to have it at least for background noise if I am not watching it and either catch up on all my favorite blogs,blog, online shop, pull drawers from my wax bin and organize and label, draw, color,sift through for new ideas, play a few rounds of Card Crawl (Fun little new app) or get lost in some YouTube.

    I am currently waiting on orders from SMT, RG, ST & VCS.

    1. Isn't it a bummer?? Thankfully I have since cleared up because I have quite the wee pile of perfume oil samples to digest. I hear more and more great shows popping up on Hulu. I read The Handmaid's Tale and it hit me hard but I am not sure I could watch it. Isn't it funny how reading and watching don't always equate? I am a PJ girl myself.

  2. I"m so sorry you're not feeling 100%! I am really happy that your new school has worked out so well for you, though. They are so lucky to have you! <3 Feel better soon!

    1. Thank you! Me too. You just never know how the meshing will go with the other faculty and staff but this has been a huge blessing for me. I hope things are going well for you. Excited for your new health journey!!! You have me wanting to pick up the book!

  3. Looks like a great basket! I hope your sniffer is 100% better soon; can't wait to hear about all your goodies!

    1. Thank you! It is now clear and ready to get back to work! LOL! I hope you are doing well and making gains on your dreams. <3

  4. I'm so sorry you feel like crud, I hate having a cold!! I have had so much fun reading your blog. Those arcana bottles are huge. I have come to the idea that I am the worst blind buyer. I am always slightly disappointed. Feel better, get some much deserved rest. Have a good weekend, Ellisa

    1. Thank you Ellisa!!! I hope some small joy can be found around here. I can be a bad blind buyer too but this one was a hit. Thank goodness. After much resting and Tudor marathoning with ginger ale peppermint tea and Night Nurse I am on the mend! I hope your week is going beautifully!

  5. Ugh, head cold - I hear that. Three weeks of experience on that one. I received a Rosegirls shipment during that time, and I couldn't smell anything - kind of a bummer. Didn't put my best into that particular post, because a) I had no energy and b) I couldn't smell a ding darn thing. I hope you're feeling better just so you're feeling better, but also because blogging is such a pain when you're all stuffed up. :(

    1. Three weeks is brutal, woman. Hope you are back to 100%. Is the rain still pounding you guys?

    2. Oh my goodness, this reply is so old. I'm sorry, looks like this comment got lost in the ether somewhere.

      Funny you ask about the rain - it stopped for the weekend, which was unbelievably hot and super sunny. Made things super excellent, of course, for Ottawa Race Weekend, which is this series of marathons that we host in the city at the end of May every year. Runners come from all over the world to bake under our unseasonably warm sun. Aaaannnndddd then today it's back to about 10 degrees above zero and rainy. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, CRAZY TOWN.

  6. Happy anniversary sister! This giveaway is making my head explode. I need ALL THE THINGS... lol but mostly the chocolate absolute. This summer I am most excited about our trip to NC. I can't wait to make memories with you guys. My favorite people to vacation with ever. 💙💙💙

    1. Thank you! It has been a wild ride. I am excited about our trip too. It will be a whole new area for us to dive into! I think we will have a blast. I am looking forward to hiking and white water rafting and the food and hanging out with you guys. It will be a blast. <3
