Monday, August 4, 2014

Melting Basket 9

Wax I would repurchase from the previous basket include: Streetman Honeysuckle Jasmine, RG Mac Apple Madness Rosegirl's Garden, and Fairy Woods this combo of Twilight Woods (BBW) and Pink Sugar is gorgeous, sweet pink cashmere woods that lulled me to sleep.

Streetman Honeysuckle Jasmine hey! I have quite a bit of it to use :-)
Streeman Lemonberry Fields Forever melted previously and amazing scent! the lemons are tart the berries are sweet and there is a slight green note that ties it all together.
Enchanted Candle Company Mrs. Incredible
Scent Illusion Spiritual Awakening
Scent Illusion Blackberry Mornings
Scent Illusion Banana Marshmallow Cake
Scent Illusion Sea Island Grapefruit
Missouri River Soap Blueberry Donut
Bubble & Geek Mermaid melted and reviewed previously
Rosegirls Peach Schnapps
Rosegirls Snowflake
Rosegirls Oooh La La
FuturePrimitive Trade Winds
Better Homes and Gardens Soft Cashmere Amber melted and reviewed previously

Two more weeks to cram in quilting, endless reading binges, splashing adventures with my girls, and summertime memories. Ready-or-not... here school comes!


  1. Looks like an awesome fruity basket! Hope you enjoy it! :)

    1. It is fruity isn't it?! Didn't even notice... But perfect for ending summer soon! Thanks! I can't wait to see your incoming RG order! <3
