Saturday, October 11, 2014

Up The Creek Scents: Cranberry Induced Mini Haul

Cranberries... I decided my wax collection had a gaping hole this time of year. Cranberries. Have you ever done that? Looked for "holes" in your collection? Maybe you are low on cookie scents, or peppermints, or strawberry. Mine was cranberry. But when Up The Creek restocked recently, I noticed CRANBERRY!!

Blackberry Amber- Never tried blackberry amber, so I needed to grab one. I am happy I did as it is a very pretty scent. Was this a Bath & Body Works scent? It reminds me of something they would carry. Smooth and musky berries and amber. My cuppa tea. I melted this in my bedroom and the throw was medium strong and lovely.

Cranberry Chutney- Sweet cranberries, almost candied. They are reminding me of strawberries a little. I think I was hoping for more tartness and some zesty citrus involved. Maybe I was thinking of Cranberry Mandarin. It is nice but too candy like for what I was wanting. 

Spiced Cranberry- These generous 3 ounce shapes are just the ticket. Cranberry sauce with cinnamon and spices. No bakery, no detractors. Perfect holiday combination. 

I am still kind of in awe we are fully into October! I am quite excited, as I am anticipating my Rosegirls order sometime this month and my Sniff My Tarts order. Not only that, but my SMT mystery bag popped up, and SMT announced their opening on the 25th, as well as Rosegirls on the 18th. That is a lot of waxy fun to look forward towards. How is October looking for you?


  1. Ooh I've never had a cranberry scent either! I'm curious what that smells like! The little pumpkin & leaf are too cute!!

    I can't believe we're in October already!! Holidays will be here soon!! :-)

    1. I am very much looking forward to the holidays. I have a feeling this will be one of the last with both girls believing in Santa. I am already thinking about Thanksgiving food.

  2. :-) My girls still believe. Or at least, if they don't, they haven't said anything otherwise! When they were younger, they asked questions about Santa & such but they haven't lately. I don't want to ruin the magical charade just yet, so I'm not spilling the beans unless they ask!! :-)

    1. I love that Tricia! Savanna has started questioning the tooth fairy already so I know it is not too far for Santa. I am never spilling the beans. <3
