Saturday, February 14, 2015

Up The Creek: Black Friday Custom Chunks

I waited until the tail end of Black Friday to squeeze in one bag of custom chunks from Up The Creek Scents. It was the American Cream. I  desperately wanted to blend with it, but I hesitated on what would jive with such a feminine aroma. So I fell back on two staples of mine: Pink Sugar and Marshmallow. Thus American Cream Pink Sugar Marshmallow Bean Noel was born. 

DIVINE. The Marshmallow Bean Noel dominates with the American Cream and Pink Sugar gyrating softly in the background. Oh geez... sounds like a sketchy movie. Ah. It's Valentine's Day. I am sticking with it. 

My free sample was in Lavender Vanilla and it smells very closely to its Bath & Body Works namesake. 

Up The Creek is open TODAY, Valentine's Day, February 14th, for custom orders on their website! Today only! Shannon refunds any shipping overages over a $1.00. You can bet your biscuits I will be making a loaf in the same blend as above. 


  1. I noticed her post on Facebook just a little bit ago, saying she was closing the custom list in 15 minutes. I had an old instinct urge to rush over and get in on it but then I was like 'What the heck, weirdo? Blending isn't your thing anyway!' LOL


    1. Lol!! The old gotta have it wax adrenaline rush :-D

      I am happy with how Ahannon operates. RTS restocked pretty frequently plus a custom option every few months. Sounds like this business typ is pretty successful. You are lucky you don't like blending! Honestly UTC house blends are pretty great anyway so custom is only necessary for my freakish love for her American Cream.

    2. Up The Creek and Sugar & Spice seem to be the two I always mean to order from and never do. If my Walmart doesn't kick it in gear with some restocks soon, I might place a couple small orders afterall.


    3. Music to my ears!!! I am looking forward to our Sugar & Spice group order. I need to start plotting that for funsies.

  2. there's something about the look of this wax that is just so intriguing... I haven't gotten into ordering blends yet.. probably a good thing since my wax cabinet is kinda full right now.. hubby and I agreed as long as my wax didn't overflow the cabinet, he can't object. lol

    1. Great arrangement! I use two Sterilite drawers as my cut off. It got precariously close to over flowing, however, thus past month of mega melting and slower ordering has dwindled it quite a bit.

      Blending is a lot of fun for me. I enjoy melding scents.

  3. WHOA, THAT SCENT. Pink + marshmallow + American cream + vanilla bean noel? All gyrating? That's a party I wouldn't mind crashing, LOL! This sounds excellent! Did you put your name on the custom list after all??

    1. YEAH BABY!! It really is an awesome scent and my name already came up in the first round of custom orders being made for the loaf of this I ordered Saturday. <3 Happy Valentine's to me!
