Thursday, April 7, 2016

Band of Bloggers: Volume 4, April 2016

April is upon us! The birds have returned, the Northern Hemisphere has warmed up, the plant life is blooming, and the Band of Bloggers are gearing up for another monthly post. Feel free to join us in this conversation by commenting below!

What product have you tried that has surprised you with its performance? It can be anything that comes to mind.

The Bathing Garden's parfaits and lotions. I know I enjoy Shannon's wax and adore her scrubs but I never knew the nirvana that was her parfaits and lotions until recently. The bubbly scrubby duo feels indulgent and her scents are always creative and beautifully executed. I am currently using her lotion in Lavender Vanilla Custard and I am enjoying the light yet creamy texture that soaks in quickly and leaves a velvet touch on the skin. The scent is nice to fall asleep to as well. 

On a non-traditional note my vintage Singer 401A always blows my mind. For a machine that has been around sine the 1950's it runs like a Cadillac. I have made hundreds of clothing articles, dozens of quilts, and countless repairs and hems on this old gal and she just keeps purring along. If you ever get into sewing you should consider a refurbished vintage sewing machine. No plastic parts and lifetime quality. They really don't make things the way they used to, but it is nice when you can still get the good stuff. 


Please visit these Band of Bloggers blogs
and help support the blogger community!

Lauren, at Lolo Loves Scents.
Liz, at Furianne
Michelle, at Waxing About.
Sunnee, at Fragrance Obsessed.


  1. I love that about your old sewing machine. It's so true that things just aren't made the way they used to be. My mom still uses her ancient sewing machine too. I'll have to ask her if it's a Singer. I have some old things of my grandma's, or things from when I was a kid, and they're all more durable than any equivalent I buy these days. (Like pots and pans, utensils, etc.)


    1. I agree. I had an old hand mixer that lasted decades (I lost it in a move) and replaced it with a brand new one from the same brand and it broke within a couple months :-/

      Plus the older things look cooler. They have a style and patina to them. A personality and character to them that far outstrips anything shiny and new.

  2. Oooooh, TBG bathing products have been long on my list of things to try! Lavender Vanilla Custard sounds divine in any form, but on your skin enveloping you as you sleep? Yes please!

    I wish computers were like sewing machines. That would make my hobby much cheaper LOL! Like Deb mentioned, I like older kitchen utensils much more than the new things on shelves these days. I had a 20+ year old electric mixer that has no rival. I was heartbroken when it broke in a move.

    1. I really wish I would have grabbed another lotion and scrub in Lavender Vanilla Custard. So yum. But I do have Sleepy coming so that helps ease the sting.

      I hear you! Or phones :-/ everything seems made to self destruct in a couple years now a days.

  3. A vintage sewing machine - LOVE! Even more impressed that you are crankin' out some awesome goodies with it.
    I was just looking over the latest Bathing Garden email. I've tried her scrubs and soaps but I've always wondered about her lotions. I wasn't too impressed with FP's lotions so I was hesitant. Now, I have no reservations about trying them, thanks to this post! <3

    1. They are a much lighter texture and I think I remember you preferring a lighter lotion. I am definitely picking up more next order. I am hooked.
