Thursday, January 19, 2017

Melting Basket 84

Wax I melted in the last basket that I would buy again, turned out to be: SMT Enchanted Forest/Pink Sugar/Frosty Pine, TBG Belladonna, Deadly Gardens, Cemetery Keys, Satin Suzie Peppermint Noel and Berry Bellini, Kringle Kringle, FP The Gloaming. 

Glitterati- Pink Marshmallow Fireside
The Bathing Garden- Magic Green Soup
The Bathing Garden- The Smitten Diaries
Long Cane Primitives- Pink Serendipity Peppermint
Long Cane Primitives- Caramel's Perfect Autumn
Sniff My Tarts- Pink Sweet Lavender Marshmallow Cake
Sniff My Tarts- Pink Ultimate Bakery Waffle Cone
Candles From The Keeping Room- Mistletoe and Ivy
Candles From The Keeping Room- Blue Cedar Lavender
AmbiEscents- Snowball Donut Holes <3 gift

Drop a comment if you want to see any of these reviewed in depth, please. 

Friends, meet Boopers. Boopers, these are friends. Boopers is an albino Rosy Boa; a wee fella, he is about 12 inches long and about the girth of my ring finger. He is Scarlette's new companion and is as sweet as pie. 

Owning a snake was not a concern. Any time Adam found a baby snake outside, he hollered for the girls and they all took turns petting it then he would release it back. He is pretty savvy about whether the snake is venomous or not. Of course, venomous ones do not get picked up. 

The only thing that was a wild card was feeding. Luckily, there are frozen mice so all you have to do is thaw, warm and dry. Scarlette even picked up with the tongs and feed him all by herself. So a win as far as I am concerned. (She loved mice, rats, hamster, gerbils, rodents so I was unsure how well that would go over and we talked about it constantly before she picked a snake as her next pet).

Just wanted to introduce you to our newest family member. Did you ever have a snake or reptile for a pet as a kid? Hope you have a great day!


  1. *shudders* I'm not a scream-and-run girlie girl when it comes to snakes, but I don't think I could ever own one. Yeah, the feeding of mice is a huge part of that reason. lol

    How big will it get?


    1. The mice was concern but since they are dead already it became a non-issue.

      Rosy Boa females get to about 4 foot but the males only reach around 2 foot and he is a boy (we think- my cousin saw his spurs) so he will stay tiny. We definitely didn't want a 6 foot snake on our hands one day as they live to be 20-30 years old.

  2. I prefer fluffy pets to cuddle with, but Boopers sure is a handsome and dapper little guy! His coloring is so gorgeous. I wondered if he would get really big but I see you answered that above. Glad you will not have an enormous snake on your hands. I don't mind other people's pet boas because I know they won't bite me, but I would definitely freak out and run away if I saw any snake in the wild.
    A friend of a friend's dad was sadly killed a few years ago by a rattlesnake bite in his back yard. I saw a baby rattlesnake slither by when I was hanging clothes on the clothesline last year and I was super paranoid every time I went outside for months.
    When Deb shared her oppossum in the dryer story a little while ago, I left in the comments the story about the time I found a garden snake in the bathtub as a kid! Also, my brother tried to have a pet king snake for about a day but it somehow wrapped itself around our car engine seeking warmth and it took my dad hours to pry it out. So yes, many snake encounters. Some funny and some not. I'll stick to cats thanks.

    1. LOL! I stick with cats too for my own personal pets. Though I do give Beardie and Boopers lots of love. Snakes in the wild, especially Florida can be tricky. You really have to know your stuff. So many deadly ones out there. At a day care I went to when I was about 7 there was a pygmy rattler in the playground and I almost stepped on it. That could have ended up badly. I am sorry to hear about your friend's father. That is awful.

      Cats are great. <3

  3. Boopers is kinda cool and so colorful, I know he's not my type of pet, but it's very cool that Scarlette is into snakes. I remember when I was at a random party as a teen and the owners of a huge snake were going to feed it a live mouse, I lobbied to try and save/set the mouse free to no avail. It was traumatizing but I remember meeting a cute like-minded animal lover, so all ended well:p Nowadays, I'm much more, eh it's the circle of life.
    Did you review the Future Primitive Gloaming? If so-point the way, I'm intrigued.

    1. I feel ya on the live mouse thing. Even being a former agriculture teacher with the farmer mentality about certain livestock, I still didn't want to traumatize Scarlette. Thankfully, she isn't.

      I did review gloaming! If you look at my most recent Warmed Wax review (it posted on Monday I believe) you can read my in-depth thoughts. :-) Tiggy will be releasing her Valentine's scents on the 21st and I hope to grab a few more tarts and a soap or two then. I just love her stuff. Be prepared for the pounds to dollar conversion though. And shipping can get steep if you order a lot. I try to keep them smaller.

    2. Thank you, I'll check out Monday's post. I'm at the making wishlists/living vicariously through your melts level these days. No wax purchases for a little while.
      That reminds me, you can give your hover thumbs an extra moment next week. I'm gonna bypass CFTKR this time. I don't know enough of her scents to have the willpower to limit it. Plus, some unforeseen vet bills are piling up, next to my wax piles so I'm laying low.
      I do appreciate your willingness to let me know friend:)

    3. Ok! Sounds good! Just let me know when you think you are ready. The sad thing is, I have tried hundreds of her scents and still have not even scratched the surface I feel like. I still go "oooo, I'll have one of those and one of those and one of those," until my cart is in the three digits and I have to panic on culling the herd. I am sorry to hear about the vet. Is your pup ok?

    4. Johnny is recovering and we're awaiting biopsy results, but he's a toughie, so either way he won't know there's anything wrong and be his usual awesome self. Thanks for asking:)

  4. Okay, at no time are differences in geographic location more prevalent than when discussing the animals that casually live among us - you're all chill with snakes and lizards that would send me (HAVE sent me) screaming, and yet you'd probably freak if you saw the herds of bunnies and squirrels and chipmunks that scamper around my neighbourhood. We also have random moose and deer and bears, but you've got that motherfreakin' Jurassic alligator, so neither of us is winning there.

    I hope your daughter enjoys raising her snake. How on earth did you keep from naming her Nagini? ;)

    1. Oops, him. Eh, didn't stop my best friend from naming her male cat Emily. Then again, I think, like, 99 percent of Emily's shitty behaviour was because he was rebelling against his name!

    2. Funny you mention that because I did geek out quite a bit about seeing my first chipmunk and ground hog when we went up to Cleveland this summer. And the moose/elk would slay me too. So cool. We have deer and bears but they are smallish and more rare to see out and about. Those gators though, we see them all the time. I have never felt threatened by one though.

      I would have loved to name him Nagini but she had naming rights and she knew right away it was either going to be Boopers or Rosy.

      We do the same thing with our cats! Our first girl cat was Bob and this girl cat is Tod. Poor Emily, I would act out too. For some reason I feel like girl pets can carry off a masculine name much cuter. You could always call him "Emiliooooooooooo" and bob your head side to side in time with "What is Love?"

    3. Excuse me while I butt in here but...
      What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

      Thanks a lot, now this song is stuck in my head.

  5. Aww snakes are so much fun! Feeding time can be squeemish but aside from that, they are low maintenance and make great pets. A word of advice though - make sure he stays warm after eating. If he gets cold he will regurgitate his meal. My favorite was a reticulated python named Tiny. They're normally foul tempered but she was the sweetest thing.

    I had dozens of snakes back in the day. From boas, pythons and corn snakes to more exotic breeds like mangroves, hog noses and false water cobras (not true cobras). A few were mildly venomous but not deadly. My ex and his friend however had actual cobras and other deadly breeds like vipers and death adders. They even had a large snapping turtle in the bathroom. That place was a zoo lol.

    1. Thank you! We are wet behind the ears when it comes to snakes. My oldest has a bearded dragon but snakes are new for us. We will feed him earlier in the day then while his heat lamp is on. I had heard not to handle him or give him water right after feeding, but we will keep him warm too.

      How cool!! Hog noses are so stinking cute. I love me some reptiles, but the snapping turtle in the tub.... nope. I bet it was fun though! My cousin is a huge animal lover and has something like 14 snakes (and rats, Blue Heelers, and who knows what else). in fact, she helped us to get Boopers. Do you have any pets now?

  6. I hope I'm not too late to the party! Could you please review Glitterati Pink Marshmallow Fireside, TBG Magic Green Soup, and CFTKR Blue Cedar Lavender?

    I love Boopers' name! It fits :) He is one pretty boa! I love how you navigate pets and pet care with your littles. I foresee vast seas of animal knowledge and love to accompany them into adulthood.

    1. Not too late at all!! I will be thrilled to review those!

      Awwww... it is cute!! Scarlette picked a good name. And thank you. It can be hard. Taking care of a pet is a huge responsibility, but I think it teaches kids a lot of great things. And who doesn't want a friend to grow up with? I am just glad neither of them wanted a scorpion. I think that would be about the only pet I would have a hard time with. Gah.

  7. What an awesome pet! We had a ranch in the middle of nowhere in central California growing up and my sisters and I would bring all kinds of little animals inside haha. One was a tiny garter snake. It was so cute and it escaped from the box we were keeping it in and we never did tell our mom lol!
    Your melting basket sounds awesome!

    1. How to grow up on a ranch!! I could imagine how fun it would be to bring in the critters. Good thing he didn't sneak up on your mom and scare her! My girls try to make little homes out of jars and cups all the time for caterpillars, lizards, and frogs. I end up making them let go of them (catch and release only, please) unless it is a big bug, then Beardie gets to eat it.
