The highs and lows of the month.
Can I rave enough about Innisfree Green Tea? After months of using it my cystic acne is under control and my face feels so good.
On my third bottle of NARS Tinted Moisturizer. Tried switching up my foundation a few times. Keep coming back to this hunk of lovely.
I use hairspray. I only use Rave 4. I must be one my 289th can.
Still lusting over my Tauervilles. Bought Rose Flash.
Boodygoodies Cavendish, so scrubby and delectably scented.
Bath & Body Works Pumpkin Pie candle.
Liberte yogurts in all the flavors, especially Lemon.
The Dresden Files. On book 4. Harry is a funny lovable guy.
Flashlight Pumpkin Hunt with the girls in Bartow.
The moment I get spoilers from Game of Thrones if the series runs ahead of the books.
Lush Lord of Misrule goodies, brisk breezy days, and more time with my loved ones.
Browned Butter Pumpkin Cookies
Hoarfrost Tonic wax tart from The Bathing Garden.
Letting my emotions get the best of me this past week.
Seeing my in-laws, my mom, my sisters and brother-in-law and a Pumpkin Pie milkshake at Parksdale's Market.
What were some of your highs and lows? Hits or misses? Or any of the above?
I love this type of monthly review! DONT LAUGH but it reminds me of this thing the Kardashians do (I warned you) when they describe their peaks and pits of the day, a trip, etc. LOL. Anyway, sounds like you had a lovely start to fall. It must be magical to see this time of year through your daughters' eyes. Glad that you loved BBW Pumpkin Pie so much!!! And the browned butter pumpkin cookies sound wonderful. Have you posted that recipe yet? I need to hear about these!
ReplyDeleteThe highlight of my month was definitely our camping trip, and the low point was this concussion! Wax hit: Scentsy Crumb Top and BBW Spooky Vanilla (commercial wax has my heart lately) and wax miss: Beezy Pumpkin Marshmallow (too caramelly, had my linens smelling like caramel for days). Other hits:, Arhaus furniture, gluten free s'mores, Replica Beach Walk, and my dad making me breakfast every morning while camping out there during floor refinishing. Other misses: Younique mascara (bought it to help out a friend, absolute junk), BBW Marahmallow Fireside Candle (tunneled like mad), and the people who refinished our floor -_-
Have a great October Julie!
Lol! Well.... I DO have something else in common with Kim, but mine would break the Internet first. I have always enjoyed these recap kinda posts but just now got around to brainstorming it. Thank you for the feedback, crickets were singing loudly. I am posting the cookie recipe this weekend! I bet you could make it gluten free!
DeleteI have yet to take the girls camping but am dying to. My hubs is anti-tent camping so it will be a girls trip. Was yours tent camping? Concussion?!?! Who? Is everyone ok??
Bakery in my bedroom drives me nuts. So I know exactly how you feel! Spooky Vanilla! Mm! Sorry about the flooring :-( Did you get the Younique Tammy Fay Baker lashes? Spidey legs past your eyebrows? I am almost scared to visit way and want everything.
Thank you and you have a great October too!!
DeleteLol!! We can break the internet together then. Girl, I can make anything gluten free! My favorite flour is called Better Batter, the taste only varies slightly from regular and texture wise, it's pretty darn close! Can't wait for your recipe. You are on fire with the fall baked goods this year!
DeleteWe absolutely go tent camping. A few of our friends on the trip had pop-up campers but we are tent campers for life! Bummer your hubby isn't into it but I bet a girls trip will be extra special! I will always remember the camping trips with my folks growing up. Those trips, combined with summer camp, made me a camping fanatic. I really wish we were able to go more but we shoot for at least one big trip every summer.
Concussion is a long story but basically involves me, too much wine, a crowded bar, and some jerk running into my bar stool and knocking me off lol. My own fault, my tipsiness caused the lack of balance which otherwise would have kept me on the stool! It was very mild, and pain is pretty much gone but I'm not allowed to work out or lift anything for a few more weeks, a difficult task for someone trying to get our house situated! I'm grateful for all the help I've had though because we are still right on schedule with all that.
I don't know why I thought Beezy Pumpkin Marshmallow was a good idea for the bedroom. I just can't do heavy caramels anymore anyways but my distaste for them was even more pronounced when our room smelled like it for days! The mascara was the WORST Julie. Not only was it clump city but with my oily lids (even with primer) it flaked off within an hour, so I had spidery legs running down my face. Nope nope nope! I've had much better tubing mascaras in my day. This stuff was laughable!
Wayfair is dangerous!! Don't do it!!! (Totally do it).
Have a great weekend J!
Oh my gosh. I am so happy you are ok. Concussions are scary. I remember breaking a girls arm on accident once when I was tipsy in college. I felt so bad.
DeleteI love this post! I know all about emotions getting the best of me -- that's the worst. <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that you found a great skincare solution. Thank you for the reference - their stuff looks awesome. I am especially interested in their green tea serums. I am totally loving the MyChelle products I'm using now. I have noticed a huge improvement in my skin hydration and my lines after only a few weeks of religious use.
Liberte yogurts are sooooo good! I love Lemon, too -- and I love their coconut! If you like coconut, you have to try it.
I am finally getting back into my melting, now that the weather is getting cooler. I melted a Thirty Street Wax tart that I loved -- Romeo and Ghouliet -- but it's very bakery, so you may not like it in your bedroom! "Pistachio Pudding, moist white cake, shriveled lips, sweet vanilla buttercream frosting." LOVE. and I STILL have a little box of their wax for you -- I haven't forgotten, I've just been lame. Now that the weather is cooler I will pop that in the post to you soon; I was worried about Texas and Florida heat.
A wax miss I had was from Burt's Bees tarts that I got at Target. They smell amazing, but the throw is super weak. :(
Hope you have a great weekend! <3
I do love coconut and Liberte's is amazing. Like a dessert.
DeleteRomeo and Ghouliet?! How cute! I must have missed that restock. I notice if I don't pop into the groups regularly, FB won't put all the stuff in my feed. And lady. You are NOT LAME. You are a gem. I am sorry about that Burts Bees. I keep hearing it has light throw :-/ But I guess it helps me save my money for something else. You have a great weekend too! How are you feeling? How did surgery go???
The Romeo and Ghouliet has been sitting in my stash since the same order of the one I need to send you! I have only ordered from her once, but I will definitely do it again. Thanks so much for asking about my surgery! It went well, I think. I get to take off my bandage and change it today, and shower. I had a lot of pain the first night, but it is manageable now. I am so grateful for the surgeon and her nurse -- they were excellent. She has won "best of dallas" from all of the "beautiful people" in Dallas for the past five years, so I am hopeful that the scar won't be too terrible in the end. I'm really hoping I don't have to go through this again, but unfortunately the stats are that 70% of people with BCC have it more than once within 5 years. Hoping not to be in that stat pool. Right now I am just grateful that they got it all and they said, "now you can leave here knowing you are cancer free!" :)
DeleteI am glad you are doing well and what a relief to have a fantastic medical team!! I hope you stay cancer free. And I know you will be beautiful no matter what.
DeleteThis is an awesome post, a great little recap of the month! Liberte yogurts, whoa, what? I am going to have to check these out! Brisk breeze days for the win!! Do you plan on doing more fall baking and blogging??
ReplyDeleteAs for highlights, we went to a ton of movies and have been on fire when it comes to blogging. Had a really lovely dinner with my closest group of friends this last week. The lows, Josh's grandpa being so sick and having tons of arthritis flares. :(
Thanks! I hope to keep it going at the end of each month.
DeleteI have been deriving great enjoyment from baking and blogging it helps me to fill the gap of much less haulage as of late :-D Plus I need to bake more to give to my grandparents.
Excellent! I can't wait to catch up! Is this a good time of year for movies? Glad you had a nice dinner. That kinda of stuff just fills my happy tank! I am sorry about Josh's grandpa and your flares. I hope you both get to visit him and you are pain free for a nice looooooong stretch. <3
When considering what to do about my blog, I'd been kicking around the idea of a monthly post like this. I don't got through enough things to be able to do regular 'Empties' posts, and I don't change my products often enough to do regular 'Favorites' posts, so a recap type post seems perfect. So it was funny to see you do one. I might borrow from your list of categories if I ever get around to starting my own.
ReplyDeleteI'm so late in coming to this post that I don't even remember anything worth mentioning from my own month of September. How sad is that?!
I don't go through many empties either but thought this might be a fun alternative. I would love for you do one too! I am taking notes of anything that might make the list. I don't trust my brain to keep them by the end of the month either lol!
DeleteWhat a great way to review your month! Hope October is full of more Highs than Lows! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! You too! We need a coffee date soon. That would be a high for sure.
DeleteYes definitely a coffee date soon!! Please!! :)