Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 Reading Challenge

Click here to see the original post.

Last year Lauren shared with a few of us the 2015 Burns Book Challenge and I truly enjoyed expanding my reading horizons through the scavenger hunt like sleuthing it took to achieve the end goal. I created another generic reading goal of 50 books for this year (a tad ambitious but I think I may manage it) when lo and behold, my friend Giffe' shared this 2016 Pop Sugar Reading Challenge with me on Pinterest. I knew I wanted to try it, and it is 40 books long, getting me closer to my goal of 50. So I am officially posting my intent to participate. Would anyone like to join me? I would love for us to cheer each other on and pass around reading recommendations. Some of these categories will be a challenge for me and way out of my preferences but I am sure it will bring new blood into my reading game as well. Anyone up for joining me? What say you?


  1. I won't be joining you but good luck! I'm a way too slow and picky reader to even attempt such goals. lol


    1. Lol! Totally understand. Thank you for contributing to my reading material though. ;-)

  2. Oh man... *tentatively raises hand up* Me?? I'll do it. Like you, I see a couple categories that will be waaay out of my normal reading, but I've been needing some new content in my reading style.

    1. WHOOHOO! Thanks Liz! I think it will be fun to even just try to check some of these off. No penalties I swear. Some of my favorites from the last one were the least expected ones.

  3. That will be awesome! I would say I'd do it, but since I have to read so much for work, I can't assign myself pleasure reading! LOL. I can make some recommendations, though! :D

    1. Reading for pleasure is so hard when you have to read for work or school. I went through a huge reading dry spell when I was in college. And yes, please recommend away!

  4. Good luck! I think it's awesome that you're doing this! I'm tempted by reading challenges, but I have sooo many books on my to-read list (& probably not on a reading challenge list, lol) & what I read is based on my mood! My goal is to read more books from my actual shelf & read what's on my Kindle -- I have soooo many unread books!!! Good luck on your challenge!! :)

    1. I get that! Plus you get so many for free still rolling in! It has to be overwhelming sometimes. Have you thought of blogging books again? It might be a fun way to hold yourself on pace. You write amazing reviews!

    2. Aw thanks! I've thought about it & debated it & still have mixed feelings. I love discussing books, but I don't know if I have time for blogging. I really should get a job (for extra money & to give me something to do), but then something happens (like me having a respiratory infection for 2 weeks or Craig's schedule flip-flopping) & then I think -- this is why I'm still a SAHM!! I'd probably start blogging then get a new job opportunity, lol. I'll keep you posted!

  5. Hey Julie, I would love to join the challenge with you. I was not able to complete the list from 2015 but I aim to for this year. I try to read a minimum of 5 books a month but with a new bundle of joy I am caring for, (my nephew), I am sure that will be a challenge in itself. I am also doing the GoodReads challenge. I am looking forward to a great reading year as well as expanding my selection of genres. Oh, and by the way I never miss an episode of Downton. With every episode tears will ensue. Would love to discuss anytime. Mauricia

    1. Hi Mauricia! How exciting!!! Thank you for joining me! I have read 3 books so far for the challenge. I might not complete this challenge but we can have fun trying to do it together! How kind of you to care for your new nephew. I know you will be a bright spot in his life. I also hope you can find some time to read a bit while caring for him too. Oh Downton! I have just started Season 5. I binged watched it Sunday (well two episodes, but they are long) and I have not had a chance to watch it since and I doubt I will until this coming weekend. But yes! I would love to chat Downtown too! Mary is one I did not enjoy at first but the more she changes and reveals her facets the more I appreciate her. Of course Thomas is a cad. I feel bad for Lord Grantham a little, like a dinosaur he is just not with the times, I hope he finds his groove soon. Lady Grantham grates on me a little and I think it is her mannerisms. The chin to the chest, looking up through her lashes with that simpering grin. Gah. Of course I adore the Dowager. She is incredible. Sorry for the novel! I have no one to gush over it with. LOL!
