Friday, January 15, 2016

Pocket Full of Peonies: Lush Sampler

Pocket Full of Peonies listed a 12 cup Lush Sampler for about $25.00 shipped recently and with my Lush fanaticism I just had to order it. I was one of the last to pre-order and it shipped a day or so after placing my order. There were a total of 13 scent shots included. I will be describing these as my nose tells me to, not much referring to the Lush notes as they tend to not be all that telling for me at any rate. I found the ones I melted to need a good half hour to kick in, but once the slow throw blossomed it made itself know full force.

Avobath- Electric citrus notes that tickle the nose. Lemongrass comes to mind. Invigorating.

Yummy Yummy Yummy- Sweet powdery strawberry, like floral vintage candy. Innocent.

Ultraviolet- Violet flavored hard candies and chickle gums. Nostalgic.

Olive Branch- Aged bergamot and lemons doused heavily with musk. Calming. The throw was a solid medium in my bedroom. It was strangely perfect. Though it did not knock me down, it did find its way into my bathroom and into my closet which medium scents do not normally do. Subdued but stealthy. I love it.

Skinny Dippin'- Dusty cinnamon, sandalwood and vanilla. Comforting.

The Comforter- Licorice and blackcurrants. Enigmatic.

Dirty- Slate, mint, minerals, and eucalyptus. Hipster fresh.

Reindeer Rock- Cranberries (more accurately lingonberries), vanilla and play-doh. Childhood. It gave off a medium throw in my living room and kitchen area. This would probably be strong in a smaller area. 

Porridge- Cakes, orange preserves, and afternoon tea. Appetizing.

Snowcake- Almond, cream, silly putty. Creative. 

Snow Fairy- Bubblegum, cotton candy, plastic coin purses. Sassy. Strong in my daughter's bedroom. She adores this scent. I probably should have used half a scent shot, though I loath cutting scent shots.

Rose Jam- Rose, honey, lemons, lipgloss. Teasing.

Karma- Oranges, headshops, hops. Meditative.

In love with this Lushy bounty of wax. I may even try to coordinate my baths and showers with my bedroom scents. Is that going too far? Maybe, but I don't really care. #LushieLife 

How do you feel about Lush dupes in the wax world? Want more, had enough or never even tried it?


  1. Oooo, pretty!! I wish I had paid attention enough to see that the samplers had shipping included in their price. I didn't think about that when I saw the high price and disregarded the whole sampler. D'oh!
    I try to coordinate my Lush baths and wax products. I feel like it makes sense to make sure the scent on your body doesn't clash with the scent around you. :)
    I love Lush scents in wax. I can never get enough! Something about their scents always calm me.

    1. Glad to hear I am not the only one who would coordinate scents with bath time! I feel like even though Lush scents in wax is not new I am binging on them now. This is my Lushy wax season. How do you feel about Snowcake?

    2. Snowcake is one of the ones that I've not yet tried. It sounds like something I would probably enjoy though based off similar product scents.

  2. Nice sampler! That Skinny Dippin' scent shot is pretty. Was that the only one that was decorated? lol I've tried a few Lush dupes in wax but I haven't found any that were spot on. My most favorite LUSH scents are Snowcake, The Olive Branch and HIWTK. Snow Fairy can be nauseating at times lol. I've been hearing great things about Pocket Full of Peonies. It's good to read your review of them before I buy. Have a great weekend!

    1. It was! Lol!! The rest were plain Jane so I just left the kids on. I am right with you about Olive Branch. I love it. Snow Fairy is just too sweet for me. I end up giving it to Scarlette or giving it away. I am sorry you haven't found any that are spot on. I have had great luck with most that I have tried. Except the few I just don't care about in general. You have a great weekend too Renee! Any fun plans?

  3. Fabulous order! I love Rose Jam and Avobath; I will have to try PFOP's version. I'm still trying to melt through some of my current stash and waiting on a Beezy order from back in November, so hopefully by February or March I'll be ready to order. PFOP is such a lovely new vendor!

    1. I love both of those too! So bright and energetic! Avobath wakes me up! Rose Jam is just so pretty. She should still have the Lush scents by then. I am quite happy with PFoP and enjoy this sampler.

  4. I should probably pay more attention to Lush dupes in wax so I know what I'm getting myself into when I order actual Lush stuff. LOL


    1. lol!! I am the same way! Trying to figure out what Lush scents I like via wax more than the actual product! But once in a while I fall in love with the product first (Twilight!) swooooooon!

  5. What a great sampler! I am a fan of Olive Branch as well, I tried a dupe from The Bathing Garden (Olive Lemon Grove) and I have been saving that clamshell until I can find another shop that sells them and I can buy them in huge quantities! But so far, I haven't had luck with that. :(

    1. I agree! Love be TBG's version too! I bet if you asked Jennifer she would order more and you can get a rose loaf in it! <3 That would be amazing!
