Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Melting Basket 101

Wax tarts from the last basket that I wouldn't mind having on hand again include: RG Americana Wafers, Rosegirls/Raspberry/VBN, CFTKR Fresh Picked Strawberry and Blue Lavender Cedar, TBG Beach Bum and TDC Patchouli Mint. 

Lasting Scent Candles- Below Zero
Lasting Scent Candles- Candyland Dreamin'
Timberwick- Night Musk
Rosegirls- Blackberry Gilligan's Brew
Rosegirls- Treat Yo Self
Rosegirls- Strawberry Raspberry Guava Gilligan's Brew
Rosegirls- Sweet Lemon Confection/Pink Sugar/Gilligan's Brew
The Bathing Garden- Raspberry Hearts
The Bathing Garden- Glacier Blue <3 gift
The Bathing Garden- Candied Peppermint Petals <3 gift
Vintage Chic Scents-Cheshire's Grin <3 gift
Vintage Chic Scents- Bogie and Bacall <3 gift
Vintage Chic Scents- Rosemary's Baby <3 gift
L3- Winter is Coming (blue sugar, peppermint, eucalyptus) <3 gift
L3- Naughty (black pepper, bergamot, pink sugar) <3 gift
Rocket's- Purple, Pink and Blue Sugar <3 gift
Little Pony Wax Creations- Blue Sugar and sandalwood <3 gift

If you would like any of these reviewed, please drop me a line! I would be happy to do so just for you. 

Good morning, friends. In less than a month it will be back to work and the beginning of a new school year. The girls and I got about half of the things accomplished on our summer bucket list. A few will not be crossed off and that is ok. 

I didn't get as much crafting or sewing done as I wanted to and that is ok. 

The days were filled with water balloon fights, making lunches and bike rides around the neighborhood. For the past two days the girls have been off camping with their Mimi and Papa and the house has been very quiet and still. Adam pads around in circles asking where his babies are. I realize now that even when they are playing outside I can hear their laughter and pounding of feet as they run around the yard carry through the windows and cracks in the door frames. But not right now. Now it is eerily quiet. 

Adam and I took advantage and had a Tuesday night double date and we watched Vikings and Sherlock on the big TV when we normally wouldn't. But we miss them. Our babies that are not longer babies, going into the 3rd and 5th grade.

What is going on in your neck of the woods? 

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