Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Melting Basket 129

Wax from the last basket I would buy and melt again: Vintage Chic Scents Should I Stay?, CFTKR Butternut Pumpkin, Dessa October, TDC Practical Magic, LSC Pumpkin French Toast and Pumpkin Spice Beignets. 

Candles From The Keeping Room- Woodland Festival
Candles From The Keeping Room- Mulled Wine
Candles From The Keeping Room- Blue Cedar Lavender
Candles From The Keeping Room- Pumpkin Peppercorn Type
Candles From The Keeping Room- Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow
Dessa's Homespun- Harvest Moon
Dessa's Homespun- Haunted Hollow
The Bathing Garden- Belladonna Tincture
Vintage Chic Scents- Cookie Baking At Mom's
Vintage Chic Scents- Spiced Pumpkin and Gingersnap Jackie O

If you are curious about any of these feel free to let me know which ones you want reviews of. 

Hocus Pocus

I do enjoy watching the movie Hocus Pocus but I have only really seen it a handful of times. I made the girls watch it with me once but they weren't really into it. Maybe I tried too early. I will see if I can get them to watch it with me this year perhaps. I know it has a huge cult following. My sister Lindsey loves it. I think the next time I watch it I will try and catch it at the Polk Theater. 

This is the Polk Theater. It is a historic theater downtown that hosts dinner and shows, concerts, performances and indie films along with cult classics. I love this place. It is hard to see but the sky is filled with twinkling stars and sometimes there is the cutest little old man who plays the organ as people come in to watch a show. 

Even though I enjoy Hocus Pocus, I guess Harry Potter is my true brand of hocus-pocus. My heart still goes pitter pat over the Wizarding World and the books and the movies and any type of reference to the series. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever "grow" out of it but I still feel that way about the Jurassic Park franchise and I started reading that book when I was a young pup.

What kind of hocus-pocus gives you the tingles? 
Some of my favorite magical moments:
- spying a new birb
- coffee with whipped cream and spice in a handmade mug
- cracking open an anticipated book
- sliding along cool super soft sheets when I first get into bed
- patting Toddles' full belly
- unexpected hugs from the girls
- boba tea and cackles with friends
- finding underwear that my butt doesn't gobble up
- picking up feathers, stones, tiny pinecones and neat looking seed pods
- frozen Butterbeer at Universal
- 4am on Christmas morning
- Adam carrying my coffee and water for me to the Jeep as I head out to work
- Scarlette still asking me to read her a bedtime story


  1. OH MY GOSH..I can't even imagine having the chance to watch Hocus Pocus in that theater. How flipping amazing that would be. It is just stunning!!! The perfect Halloween date night.
    Love your list of special Hocus Pocus tingles too <3

    1. It really is a neat place. Old and cozy and lovely. I just bought two tickets for my friend and I to attend a concert there tomorrow night with an organ player. I think it will be nice. <3 Hoping you are able to enjoy a little magic right now. <3

  2. Eh, Hocus Pocus is a weird one. I tried more than a few times to watch it on the effusive recommendations of friends, and it just never jived with me. Then we went on our trip to Florida last year and the movie was on a 24-hour loop on Halloween on one of the resort TV stations. After that it just kind of became a thing for us, but kind of separate and apart from the actual movie itself. It's really one of those movies that I think we both love - and I do love it now - because of the circumstances surrounding it as opposed to the actual movie itself.

    However, I would watch it on an endless loop in that beautiful theatre! Wow, gorgeous. We have something kind of similar here - it's called the Bytown, it's very indie, there's sofas in the balcony instead of chairs and I'm pretty sure it's not heated in the winter! They also have the best popcorn in town, not too surprisingly.

    1. How fun! I can get that. I was beginning to think I might be missing some vital Halloween loving component in myself that I was not head over heels for it. Good to know it isn't just me. But I am glad you guys now associate it with good times and even better memories.

      This is definitely more on the historic rather than indie side but the pretzels are pretty amazing. I have not tried the popcorn. But maybe I will this weekend when we see the Rocky Horror Picture Show there. So I am guessing folks keep themselves warm on the couch in more productive ways? LOL!

  3. I haven't tried Edelweiss on its own, but I think after reading this that I need to!
    Tingle inducers for me:
    -sleeping in our camper in the woods and gearing owls or coyotes in the distance
    - the quiet in the morning when I am drinking my coffee and have a whole day ahead to do whatever I would like (doesn't happen very often LOL)
    -I agree with you 100% on getting into bed with some sleek, cool sheets
    -taking a nap with our two dogs and our cat :)
    -walking in to a room where I haven't yet smelled the wax melting and smelling it and it's a really yummy scent!
    -driving along with some great music playing

    I know there's many more but it was fun to think of those!!

    1. I do like it blended with other spiced bakery and vanilla scents but it is really nice and yummy on its own too. Kinda comfy cozy and simple. Sometimes simple is nice.

      I love your tingle inducers!!! Hearing owls, ditto. Quiet start of a blank slate day, ditto. NAPS DITTO! We share a lot of favorite small joys.

      I hope your autumn is unfolding beautifully. <3
